5 gallon buckets or ground?

Ok so this is my first grow i have about 10 clones doing great, we had decided to grow in the ground and dug our holes and everything seemed fine, the plants were in the ground until first rain storm, i went to check on them and all the holes were full of water and half of my babies were floating, so i panicked and put them all in 5 gallon buckets and they are doing amazing but from what ive been reading there probablely gonna get root bound? I was just wondering what you people think I should do. Should i leave em in the buckets until the end or should i go back into the ground? Or even ive been thinking maybe cut the bottom off of the bucket and maybe the roots will grow right into the ground? What do u people think? Any advice is muchly appreciated, thanks in advance and if possible i would smoke a big ol fatty in return of my appreciation! thanks again and happy growing
hmmm wow this sucks. whats a guy gotta do to get some advice ? I dont understand this is the 3rd thread ive created and noone has made any suggestions or anything. Am I doing something or saying something wrong?


Active Member
I'm fairly new with "herb" growing, but a longtime gardner. I'd say a 5 gal. pot should be plenty big enough unless per chance you are growing one of those huge sativas. The more you move these plants around (from ground to container), the more you are going to stress them out or possibly damage the root system, yes? I would leave them in the containers - make sure the drainage is good on the "buckets". If they DO outgrow the bucket, then you can always deal with it then.
Hope that helps, and best of luck.
thanks alot it does help more than u can imagine just to hear it from someone else.... and i am growing a big sativa its an R2 strain, i got them as clones and supposibly if i do it right i should get a lb. per plant! I was also curious if i cut the bottom off if the roots did need to go more then they could! what do u think?