5 weeks old help!!


Hey guys so here is my blue hash at 5 weeks old. Some parts look amazing and other parts not so much. I have 4 CFL 23 watt daylight and 1 CFL 42 watt 2700K so I think I have enough lighting to grow just here. I am using Miracle grow organic choice with a NPK of .1-.05-.1. Some of the leaves are showing some brown spots on them concerned about that as well as the tips of some leaves being yellowish brown. Do I need more nuts I have these miracle grow spikes with an NPK of 6-12-6 along with other nutrients that are essential for growing. Im pretty worried about her since I will be flowering soonish and want this to be successful. Any input would be greatly appreciated just not sure what the problem is and what I should do to fix it.


Well-Known Member
First off, Miracle Grow products are not good for marijuana growing- not one of them. They are meant and designed for other types of plants and flowers, so that's problem one. Always add dolomitic lime to your potting soil to keep soil pH up and provide Mg and calcium. Second, are you testing for pH? It appears not. Third, brown spots usually means a cal/mag deficiency. You have multiple issues going on, and they will only get worse under your current regiment.

Don't flower unless the plants is healthy..... my suggestion would be to repot into Sunshine #4 or Pro-mix immediately, and you'll see the plants health get better quickly. Then buy a good hydroponic (complete) fertilizer and fertilize mildly with a pH of between 6.4-6.5. Add lime as stated earlier.

The biggest mistake newbies make when starting out is not buying the correct supplies and equipment to start the grow. It's not cheap and there is a learning curve, but once you get thru it- it will pay off in the long run. Sorry if it's not what u wanted to hear, but it's the best advice you'll ever receive.


Well-Known Member
Sshz is right on the money IMO and i was also suggest repoting into sum new soil ss#4 advanced and get the canna coco nute line