5 weeks veg, no nodes at all. Need help!

first tiwreck in soil using two 23 watt cfl lights.
I've been vegging for about 5 weeks and just changed the lights from 24/0 to 18/6 four days ago.
My plant is about 13 inches tall and is very skinny with about 5 sets of leaves but no nodes at all.
I don't think this is very common but if someone could help me out is really appreciate it.
PS here is a picture of it.View attachment 2074662View attachment 2074663


Well-Known Member
looks to me that you are growing a strain that perhaps needs certain special conditions. do you know what the strain is (ie : dutch passion). for your set up maybe try something like the original auto flower (as you'll want to smoke asap) or skunk #1.

Now that you've started the grow here is what I would do. Flush it out with water (check ph I like 6.5) as it looks like it doesn't like what your giving it or you've had the light touching the plant. You still have time to re-pot which i would do if i were you into a slightly smaller pot that you have first filled with some rocks/stones/polystyrene so the water can escape at the bottom.

keep your plant warm, give it an airflow. Love your plant , talk to it etc but don't bore it, don't play it music, don't carry it around the house like a proud father.

Your lights. Keep them on top of your grow.

You may want to switch your lights off now (complete darkness) for 36 hours then move to 12/12. That's what I'd do. But do what you want and feel is the best for your plant.

Good luck really hope you get a good few buds.


Active Member
cfls should be 2-4 inches away from the top of plant, or she will stretch, just like your girl has, she is so thin and spindly that she couldn't support the weight and probably snap!
you should have an oscillating fan in there to create air movement so she can grow a strong stem, throughout the veg process the plant is using all its energy to make itself strong enough to hold those HEAVY buds!.
At 5 weeks she should have plenty of large fan leaves, and you should see constant new growth. Also you mention you had your lights on 24/7, personally i find that 18/6 is good all the way through veg, plants love to have a rest too!

How often do you water?
What medium are you using?


Well-Known Member
The tips of your leaves are yellow, burned and curling up. So you have one problem there. (think it's nute burn and/or heat stress. What temp is your room?)

The plant is tall and skinny mainly because it wants more light. Move the cfls a lots closer and buy more if you can. You can buy 85W ones that fit in a standard socket and are not too expensive. Blueish colour ones would help decrease node length.

It also looks like a sativa. If it is then it's going to tend to grow tall an skinny even in a lot of light (compared to the short and bushy indica strains). If this is imported bag seed then it's almost definitely going to be sativa. If it's an indica then the thin leaves could be another sign of poor conditions. The leaves could be growing skinnier to conserve water? So maybe a sign of heat stress again?

My amateur opinion. If someone with more experience says different then I'd defer to them!!