50/50 Switching MH and HPS through Vegitation?


Any Difference is bud Quality, if you rotate every 1-2 Days MH (400watt) with HPS (400watt) lighting during vegetation before using only the Hps during flowering?

Or keep with the MH for vegitation and switch over to the HPS for flowering?

Thank you!


Active Member
Any Difference is bud Quality, if you rotate every 1-2 Days MH (400watt) with HPS (400watt) lighting during vegetation before using only the Hps during flowering?

Or keep with the MH for vegitation and switch over to the HPS for flowering?

Thank you!
think the idea is to have both red and blue spectrums available at the same time,dont think switching will accomplish that so id stick with the mh for veg and hps for flower!good luck.


Well-Known Member
I'm no pro but I think that the light during veg will have little to due with the bud quality in the end. If anything you should run them both during flower.:peace: