50 seedlings please help 1st time grow!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have a 400w hps in a 1.5 x 2 x 6ft cabinet
1 plant from a clone (good bud) vegging for 7 weeks in a 10 gal rubermaid growing horizontally under a screen a few inches high
Now I have 50 healthy, bag seed :( seedlings in plastic cups in the same cabinet

I have another space, 3 square feet with 250+ watts CFL, empty now waiting for a decision!!!

I was hoping to fill out the whole screen with the one plant in a and fill the whole grow cabinet with bud (hopefully!!!!!!!!)
(7 weeks vegging) and I estimate at least another 6 weeks of veg + flowering = long ass time
Does this sound like a realistic plan?

Now with the seedings I want to get a finished product ASAP!!!!!!
Im thinking sog

I'm thinking from the 50 I'll get half males, and even give some females away

Any advice for a first time grower?


Not trying to be an ass, but dude you are in way over your head with 50 bag seed seedlings,Damn! You have your answer in your good bud mother! If shes at 7 weeks veg, clone her and you will produce alot quicker than bag seedlings! With the space you have to do a scrog(not an expert!!) you are only gonna need 6ish! You should be able to get that many clones from you mother if not 2 or 3 will do you fine to start. Read your but off! There is some amazing info here and you should be able to get threw your first grow and have some luck at a decent harvest! Good luck and Bsafe


Sector 5 Moderator
How can you get that many seedlings in that small of an area???? What were you thinking??


Ya, ya, ya................
I know it's too many plants but I had all these seeds so I thought wtf!!!
I tried cloning the mother in perilite but only 1 out of 4 rooted, and I put it in soil too soon and its pretty much dead now.
It'll be a miracle if it survives.
I've decided to move as many plants outdoors as I can.

Should I start flowering the mother plant now or is it ok to just keep vegging for as long as it takes to fill up the cabinet?
If I flower I can take the 6 healthiest F plants and use the cfl for veg and transfer to the hps to flower after the I2t plant is done

Flower and go with the bag seed?
or wait it out and try to grow a monster from the dank mother plant?


Well-Known Member
I have a 400w hps in a 1.5 x 2 x 6ft cabinet
1 plant from a clone (good bud) vegging for 7 weeks in a 10 gal rubermaid growing horizontally under a screen a few inches high
Now I have 50 healthy, bag seed :( seedlings in plastic cups in the same cabinet

I have another space, 3 square feet with 250+ watts CFL, empty now waiting for a decision!!!

I was hoping to fill out the whole screen with the one plant in a and fill the whole grow cabinet with bud (hopefully!!!!!!!!)
(7 weeks vegging) and I estimate at least another 6 weeks of veg + flowering = long ass time
Does this sound like a realistic plan?

Now with the seedings I want to get a finished product ASAP!!!!!!
Im thinking sog

I'm thinking from the 50 I'll get half males, and even give some females away

Any advice for a first time grower?
Yup, for a first time grow you are doing too much. I wouldn't even do half, 10-15 maybe, 20 at most. Easier to clone then to get 50 seedlings going, weeding out the males, then repot all of them 3 times. You have a lot of work on your hands, good luck


Well-Known Member
id go with the dank plant, if its just bag seed from some dude on the corner, id chuck it in the trash. Go with the good stuff you have,likme someone said. Cloning is wasy faster and more efficient and unlimited.


I'm really put off of cloning after my 1st failed try
It took 2 weeks and only one clone had a few small roots
Now I have from seeds to 1+ inch seedlings in less than a week!!!!

How is cloning faster??????
Because you can flower right away clones from a mature plant??

I know the genetics may not be as good but where I live it's so dry that anything without seeds fetches about $25-30/g
Feel like as long as I weed out the males I'll be ok

I read about bubble and aero cloners and I would like to set one up to increase my success rate but i dont want to use more room or $

Right now I'm in wait and see mode


Well-Known Member
I think your in for wake up mode lmfbo
lollipop the mother and use the stuff you ve trimmed from her to clone !!
Aint being funny fella but you ve no idea how fucked up u sound !!


Active Member
I'm really put off of cloning after my 1st failed try
It took 2 weeks and only one clone had a few small roots
Now I have from seeds to 1+ inch seedlings in less than a week!!!!

How is cloning faster??????
Because you can flower right away clones from a mature plant??

I know the genetics may not be as good but where I live it's so dry that anything without seeds fetches about $25-30/g
Feel like as long as I weed out the males I'll be ok

I read about bubble and aero cloners and I would like to set one up to increase my success rate but i dont want to use more room or $

Right now I'm in wait and see mode
cloning is faster because there's already some vegetation, but you shouldn't try to flower them right away. They need to veg just like any other plant and mature before you try to flower them. Here's a tutorial on building your own cloning machine, but you can clone without this. I've cloned indoors w/o a florescent light but i would highly recommend one.



Well-Known Member
I'm really put off of cloning after my 1st failed try
It took 2 weeks and only one clone had a few small roots
Now I have from seeds to 1+ inch seedlings in less than a week!!!!

How is cloning faster??????
Because you can flower right away clones from a mature plant??

I know the genetics may not be as good but where I live it's so dry that anything without seeds fetches about $25-30/g
Feel like as long as I weed out the males I'll be ok

I read about bubble and aero cloners and I would like to set one up to increase my success rate but i dont want to use more room or $

Right now I'm in wait and see mode
But you can flower that clone as soon as it has roots making your turnover much faster. You would be lucky to have more then a fwe leaves after 2 weeks from seed with at least 2-4 more weeks till you ca flower. Also, clones ca take full nutrients like the full grown mother plant. No need to work your way up.

Cloning powder and gels work wonders. I like powder better, but am using gel atm(just what they had).

I baught a daisy cloner for 60 bucks. But you can buy a spray assembly on ebay with sprayers on it for 18 bucks. All you need then is a cheap pump and bucket. You dont even need anything with a cloner bucket. Just water if you want. Can take up to a couple weeks but usually 3-7 days to see roots. I use to do the whole spray humidity dome bit, but mold can be an issue. This way u dont even have to foliar spray the leaves. And roots grow crazy


Well-Known Member
the problem with bagseed , is there usually very different phenos or strains. so being a newb u cant get the water, feeding schedual down. like said already, your in over your head, but easy fix...bin most , keep the healthiest....peace


I love each and every one of my plants!!!!
They will all find good homes either with friends or outside!!!
I have 2 strains of the bag-seed and i want to breed them outdoors and get more seeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But after all the posts, im convinced now to build a cloner

My plant started from a clone and could be that it was taken from a plant that was cloned
If I clone now it's like 3rd or 4th generation

What about the genetics going down after generations upon generations of cloning?
I read that this happens but after how long?

Also there is almost no way to get good seeds where I live

The V Ape

That is a crazy first grow. I am only doing 5 plants right now on my first grow with another 10 seeds of a different strain stored for another run if I fail and it has been a learning experience with this few of plants.

A fellow grower showed me how he clones and man, its the way to go! Saves you all the crap (at least I would say crap) with germinating, growing, culling the males, etc. And as others have said you can pretty well flower a clone once it has roots, so you cut 3-5 weeks of time off going from seed. He has his favorite 3 strains in a "Mother closet" and takes cuttings from each for his grow room. Seems to make sense to me, and far easier. But again, I am new at this.

If you have a book store near by, check out Marijuana Horticulture - The Indoor Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible which has been invaluable for me. Also Growing Elite Marijuana has been an excellent resource for different techniques.

Good luck!


Sector 5 Moderator
You don't need or want a cloning machine. I have one, had a couple or three others and they don't work as well as the method I'm about to share with you; it's nearly 100% and very inexpensive. Buy some Clonex gel, a pack of Rapid Rooters, and some plastic doo-dads to hold them upright (like the trays with the compartments. Get all your stuff ready before you start cutting. Pour out a little cloning gel and put the cap back on the bottle. Take a scalpel, a razor blade, or an Exacto knife and hold a flame under it for a couple of seconds to sterilize it. I'm not sure wtf this is important because you'll be putting it in a very non-sterile environment anyway. Take the cuttings from as low on the plant as possible (lollipopping). Also take the tops. The roots will sprout from where there are nodes on the branch, so cut it at a 45 degree angle just below that spot. Gently scrape off the very outer layer of cambium, dip it in the gel and place it in a Rapid Rooter and place that in one of the spaces in the doo-dad. After you get all your clones done, add about 1/4" of water to the bottom so they don't dry out. Don't ever let them dry out; always have a little water in the bottom and don't obsess if it gets to 1/2" deep. Put them under gentle lights like florescent and expect to wait 14 days to see little white roots sticking out. You'll want to start spot checking them in about 10 days just in case they are really vigorous. From my last batch of 24 or so cuttings, I have one cutting that has not shown roots and it's been about 20 days or so. You can also tell if it's getting roots by looking at the bottom of the stem. If the stem is turning greener than the rest of the stem, it's getting roots. After the roots show, you can put them in a good potting soil - I use MG Organic Choice - or in hydro.


I dont think I can get rapid rooters but it sounds like I could substitute rockwool cubes.


Sector 5 Moderator
I dont think I can get rapid rooters but it sounds like I could substitute rockwool cubes.
I don't personally like RW but I've done a few grows with them. You have to keep a close eye on them but other than that they are ok. FWIW, my cab is probably looking like yours will in a couple of months.


Bren an aerocloner is the way to go! Tapwater alone will work but i suggest that you add 1 cup of earth worm casting tea! Easy to make and really helps! I have a 2 year 100% streak going atm! Sorry peeps tried Rapid rooters, rockwool and dirt. Didnt get the results I needed, It took 14=16 days to get viable clones at a 80%ish success rate! I live and die by cloning! Bsafe