500 gallon fabric pots and supersoil

organic for life

Active Member
I posted this Q in the outdoor section, but since my main question pertains directly to supersoil, I thought I'd post it here...sorry about the repeat post.

I'm proud to say this coming 2014 I will be in charge of a 100% legal outdoor greenhouse grow in the upper Pacific Northwest of the USA. This has been a dream of mine for 8 years now and finally the opportunity has arrived. I've been growing indoors a bit over 5 years, so I have a bit of experience with Marihuana. I am a 100% organic-in-soil only grower, and use nothing but Subcools supersoil for my grows combined with Roots Organics soil base. I deploy thousands of worms for each grow and feed the plants fish I catch at a local lake. I simply place fish in the beds/pots of the plants at planting time. I feed my girls only 100% organic nature.

I never spray/use pesticides of any sort. I use exclusively Young Living essential oils for all bug and mold control as well as prodigious use of ladybugs. These techniques along with organic neem oil, is how I take care of the pests--and therefore disease/bugs are a non issue.

Marihuana helped save my life from testicular cancer last year so yea, my love for this lady is personal and very real. My goal is to give away all I can afford to give and thus the move now to the large outdoor grow. All of this is to offer you a reference of my history, my skill set, my intentions, and purpose. To be clear, I don't have ANY experience in outdoor greenhouse growing, thus my reason for writing you all today.

Grow details:
I can get local organic bulk soil but I'm not sure of its NPK content as of this note. Ill find out certainly, but currently all I know is that it's organic and of good quality. I understand that could be subjective but let's assume its about 1/2 the strength of regular old Roots organic bag soil--which is pretty hot. So that's the soil ill use.

I've got about eight 55 gallon containers filled with 100% concentrated Subs Supersoil I hand mixed in March, 2013. Those barrels of concentrated soil are just chillin in a yard, so by the time I use that soil amendment in 2014, it will have aged nearly a year so it will be good and ready.

My water is straight off mountain rain water and it's PH is 6 - perfect.

Here's the almost complete strain list--we are limited to 13 plants:

-Subcool Strains-
Jacks Cleaner 2
Jack the Ripper
Dairy Queen

-Soma strains-
Lavender x G-13

-Serious seeds-
White Russian
Kali Myst x Bubblegum (I call it KaliGum)

-DJ Short-

I need 2 more strains and I'm happy to hear your suggestions. I tried to contact subcool through his website asking for where I could collect cuttings of some of the more rare strains like Cherry AK47, DannyBoy, Jacks Cleaner F1...but understandably, I didn't hear back. No worries tho, I know he's a busy guy so maybe in 2015. Anyway...I'm a sativa junkie and there's still time for me to order a strain or two...

Im also trying to find a **fantastic** red afghani hash plant i can make bubble with. Anybody have any suggestions? I get seeds from Hemp Depot and Attitude Seedbank. I exclusively use regular seeds, so feminized or auto flower are not options.

I'm growing each plant in a single 500 gallon Roots fabric pot in this greenhouse ill build over the winter. The girls will be vegged to four-five feet in 10 gallon pots and then I'll plant them in late April/early May, 2014. The area is located on the 48th parallel. Ill add about 300 worms to each pot as well as a few of the local small fish me and my son catch from time to time.

This is my most important question: How much supersoil concentrate do you guys think I should add to each 500 gallon pot? 50/50 mix around bottom and sides? Stronger? Weaker? The plants will be in the pots from May till Oct (we have a short growing season but very long summer days).

THANK YOU very much for your thoughts. Someday I'd love to meet Subcool and Soma so me and my wife and kids can thank them personally for helping save my life through the use of their strains. They were all I had to contain the searing pain I was in most of 2012. I refused all the bs big pharm pain "medication" they toss at you like tic tacs, so weed was all I had for pain. I intend to spend my life repaying the debt I owe to Marihuana for helping me live to experience the joy of simply being alive.

Peace and love to all--and thank you sincerely for your advice and any input is appreciated.