50mg/ml tincture

I'd like to make a 50mg/ml THC tincture suspended in MCT oil. Is this possible? Can the MCT hold that much THC? I plan to decarb low grade hash then mix it with the MCT in a crockpot. Do you guys think I'm going to have to suspend it in alcohol first then evaporate it off and mix with MCT? I need the final product not to be in alcohol and I really don't want to have to evaporate alcohol off.


Well-Known Member

I use a Magical Butter Machine to make Coconut Oil, 60 grams of bud @ 15% resin (estimate) and 800 ml of coco oil.

I've never had the oil or bud tested but 60 grams @ 15% = 9 grams of resin (9000 MG).

That would be 11.25 MG resin to 1 ML oil. If you want more potency add bud on the first run or use the Coco- cannabis oil in a second run.

I think it's correct, my numbers could be off.


Decarbing hash can be messy, is it pressed hash or keif? I don't know how much resin coco oil can absorb.



Active Member
My experience is that ethanol extraction and reduction into coconut/mct oil works best for super charging your oil

This is a tincture reduction being done for infusion into simple syrup
For oil, I would simply pour the above reduced tincture on top of the oil in the same set up pictured and finish evaporating the rest of the alcohol off
Then you just mix the the cannabis oil and the coconut/mct oil together in the same vessel
As for the amount of thc the alcohol and oil can hold, that is being worked on right now by the person who taught me everything I know (psychedelic Sam)
Safe to say you can green out on small amounts of oil infused with cannabis, would not worry about how much thc the carriers can hold, it is more than enough to green you out at reasonable dosage like a teaspoon