55 day into flower trich still look clear 1st grow


Active Member
i am 55 days into my first grow and my trichs ar still clear or atleast thats the way they look to me my friend that gave me the clones said 60 days and they would be ready but they are not cloudy or amber that i can tell i have been flushing for 9 days is this normal?

how long does it take (a range from your experience) to change from cloudy to amber ?

if i switch from 12/12 to 10/14 will that help ?

will turning the lights off for 24 hours help ?

thanks for any help


Well-Known Member
Dnt mess with the lights. If the plant was stressed at all that will slow the ripening down. Wait and they will change.


Well-Known Member
Be patient....I'm willing to bet you have several weeks left minimum if there are no cloudy trics. Make sure your scope is at least 30x but 60-100x is much better. Also shine a flashlight on the trics while looking at them. You will see much better :hump:


Well-Known Member
Sorry i know getting people to replt is a bitch on here and wish there was a way to change that,cause i posted important post and needed advice and know one replied are 2 maybe,its like if you don't have the right post are pics noone gives a shit!!!!bump!!!Need to fix that cause people are saying fuck it cause there not getting the answers!!!