5th week of 12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
Looks good to me dude!!! I just started my pure sativa on 12/12. She's starting to do what your s is....also from seed. Good luck Bro.!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks yeah the one has like neon pink pistils it's pretty wicked looking blend of the pink and white hehe. i decided to try 12/12 because i heard so much about it and it's been working for me i got 2 more seedlings in now they should be fem seeds. the buds aren't that big yet but i wasn't trying for big both plants are around 14''. and fairly small pots i've been watering once a week but now that i got a fan in noticed they need it twice a week.


Well-Known Member
Thanks yeah the one has like neon pink pistils it's pretty wicked looking blend of the pink and white hehe. i decided to try 12/12 because i heard so much about it and it's been working for me i got 2 more seedlings in now they should be fem seeds. the buds aren't that big yet but i wasn't trying for big both plants are around 14''. and fairly small pots i've been watering once a week but now that i got a fan in noticed they need it twice a week.


Well-Known Member
Yah, but 12/12 makes it flower, so it'll help u get quicker bud, and good bud at that. But it doesnt have all the grow time. for the plant to get nice and big. But i cant talk i got mine on 12/12 pretty much. give or take, im not sure exactley, im doing mine in my window. with a white cardboard display around it minus the window side for good reflection. and i just now put saran wrap over the cups to hold in moisture, only a few of them have just started to sprout


Well-Known Member
also figured i'd add that some seeds/i guess strains won't take to the 12/12 routine i had a couple get really spindly and tiny leaves while some were short and lush. luck of the draw i guess till i decide to get a mother going but i want some grow exp first.


Well-Known Member
Got my Pure Sativa lady on 12/12 now...she is looking GOOD! Also from seed, I would ask you if you are using any high nutrients? I'm using Iguana Bllom from Advanced Nutrients and also Nirvana from the same folks that is a SUPER BLOOM. My plant is 36" today.


Well-Known Member
hehe nope just using some expert garderner tomatto fert and *superthirve* the fert is like 24 20 20 but i'm half dosing them now and weaning them onto strait water. so i don't have to stress them right before harvest by flushing. and i got both fert and superthrive at wal-mart and i'm using MG organic potting soil