6 month veg indoors transplanting outside on 4/20


I have started next years moms. I dont know the strain i smoked some decent stuff got a few seeds out of a qp. Anyway, questions!!!

1- I am planning on vegging these plants under a 400w hps and a mixture of flours. from now untill may, does anyone see problems with this other then ima have 10 footers by harvest time.

2- also if i veg them under so many lumens and when i transplant them outside if my plot is kinda in some tree coverage could this mess with them maybe herm them?

answers would be lovely:)


Active Member
How many plants are you vegging out? With a 6 month veg you will be hardpressed to get very many growing under a 400w. I suggest a much shorter veg time with more plants for a better harvest. Putting 3 footers outside can get over 10 feet by harvest.


Well-Known Member
I am doing the same thing..850 watts of cfl's and then march april range they are going outside to be kissed by the sun..I have 4...word of the wise inch those girls slowly into the sun..mother nature can sometimes bite ha ha...your plants need to be inched out though seriously or they will get burnt..like others have said put them out earlier if you can and the weather permits. and dig 2x2x2 holes and you should be good to go...can't wait to see how this goes cause your doing the same thing as I am