6 shot, one dead during a protest against police brutality in Portland Oregon. 2022 is going to suck

If someone steals your car do you call the police? Or just handle it yourself?

Someone DID steal my pickup, and I handled it myself

My wife called her co-workers the morning we realized that it had been stolen, and a few hours later one of her co-workers said she saw it in a yard near her house. So we went down there in my '71 Datsun 510 with my Colt in the trunk, and there it sat with an open Prestone jug full of gas sitting in the bed. Shortly thereafter, a car pulled up in the driveway and a guy walked right past me like I wasn't standing there checking out my stolen pickup in his yard and went into into the house and shut the door. That kinda freaked me out, so I drove a few blocks to a store that had a pay phone and called the police then went back to the house. The police showed up ~15 minutes later while I was busy repairing the crudely hotwired ignition switch and I explained the whole situation to them including the fact that I'd seen the car that drove up (a Datsun 210 "Honey Bee") parked at a tweaker house about a block away from my house. So the cops go up and knock on the door and no one answers- they walk around the house and try to look inside but the blinds are all closed. They come up to me and ask if I'm sure someone is in there and I tell them yes, and they say well we can't break the door down because we don't have a warrant and so on, but they offered to call a tow truck. I'd rewired the switch by that time but when I turned the key I just heard the solenoid clicking so I asked the cop, whose car was nose-to-nose with my pickup, if he could give me a jump and he said "oh, I can't do that, it's against policy!" to which I responded by laughing and saying "of course it is" and told him I'd just fucking tow it home with the Datsun, at which point the cop is upset about my attitude. So my wife drives the Datsun while towing the Courier with a rope, and at one point I decide to put it in gear and see if it will start, which it does- seems when it was hotwired they didn't disconnect the starter (it's the white wire with a red stripe) which burned it up- the battery was fine.
So I get it home and drive it up on the fucking tweaker's lawn right up to his front door and he comes out and I stick my gun in his face and tell him one of your fucking tweaker friends stole my truck last night and he says some shit about how he's not responsible so I told him I'm holding you responsible because you bring these pieces of shit into the neighborhood.