6 sprouted in 4 gallon bucket


Hey folks!
I was curious, should I leave them together, or separate the each in a separate bucket?
yes, i'm a noob


Well-Known Member
Seperate them into their own buckets. plants grown from seed will fight for root space until only one dominate plan is left, OR all of the plants will just do very badly depending on the genetics of the plant.

P.S: allways love having newbs around, it means new people are growing :). overgrow teh government, its a good thing.


Well-Known Member
separate as soon as possible you want them to have a good root structure before you do though. how close are they together? post a pic if you can. if they are a few inches apart and are just sprouted leave them if they are all together try to do it before the roots grow together


they are cca 3" apart, at the borders of the bucket. i'll post a pic tomorrow. i'll go to the store first thing monday and get separate buckets. i'm assuming they'll grow in 2 months and then i'll have to take them indoors... is this correct? 'cause we're having a lot of sunlight 'till october in these parts of the world. thnx guys!


Well-Known Member
Never start em in the same bucket. Use styrofoam cups or something. You could have 4, but since their in the same bucket, you'll probably only end up with one. Depens on how close they are. Might as well start some more, and keep the best looking one(out of 6) in the bucket. Just my opinion of course.