6 Weeks into Flower - 50% Leaves yellowing falling off...

Okay, so the title explains it all...
Ive been having some nitrogen deficiency issues throughout my* flowering but I am now experiencing the worst of it, with almost half of my leaves on each plant are yellowing and starting to fall off..

Now These issues are a result of lack of nitrogen I provided them during the vegetative phase so I KNOW for certain it is a Nitrogen Deficiency because the yellowing is all throughout the plant, especially in the top and middle.

Now my plants are are at 6 weeks, and though I heard it is normal, my strain is Sour Diesel and I know this strain usually takes 8-10 weeks so I know I am a little early.

So Now,...

Should I add more Nitrogen to the feedings? Should I use Molasses?

Does Molasses fix Nitrogen problems? and should i use it with 2-3 weeks to go. Also, anyone with exp. on sour d can you tell me how mAny weeks it usually is?


Well-Known Member
I feed one of my strains double does of vegg food for the first 4 weeks into flowering.. Just think that is you cut nitro at beginning of flowering what is gonna produce all the small little bud leave that surround the nugs. Nitrogen is mobile so it is usually sucked outta the big fan leaves first then other random parts. People need to learn to keep nitrogen higher in first stages of flowering ESPECIALLY if its a "leafy" strain like a blueberry..I am sooooo sick of all these fert companies to tell you to cut nitrogen at first flowering, it's complete bullshit... Isn't a little weird that most people run into problems 3-4 weeks into flowering??? Because that's when any extra nitrogen that plant is feeding on wears out and that plant start sucking it outta the leaves.... don't believe the hype


Well-Known Member
I feed one of my strains double does of vegg food for the first 4 weeks into flowering.. Just think that is you cut nitro at beginning of flowering what is gonna produce all the small little bud leave that surround the nugs. Nitrogen is mobile so it is usually sucked outta the big fan leaves first then other random parts. People need to learn to keep nitrogen higher in first stages of flowering ESPECIALLY if its a "leafy" strain like a blueberry..I am sooooo sick of all these fert companies to tell you to cut nitrogen at first flowering, it's complete bullshit... Isn't a little weird that most people run into problems 3-4 weeks into flowering??? Because that's when any extra nitrogen that plant is feeding on wears out and that plant start sucking it outta the leaves.... don't believe the hype
you gotta cut the veg nutes out when you flip to flowering so that you get those nice yellow leafs when the plants get close to harvest. that's the way the plant is supposed to look right? lol, on a serious note, nute companies tell you that so that you will have to buy 2 different fertilizers and you'll have to buy their extra little supplements to help out with your deficiencies


Well-Known Member
Im entering week 6 and i still have been using veg nutes, granted not as much but i plan on using them all the way through.