6 weeks into flower and found spider mites I think. They looked black instead of red


Well-Known Member
My first grow and everything was going great, Now 6 weeks into flower I get what I think is spider mites. The video I seen had them a red color and these look like little black bugs.
Last nite I covered them with mighty wash by npk ind. This morning I can actually see the film it leaves on the plant. My worries is, this late in flower and I will be spraying this 1 more time with mighty wash and in a few days power wash is suppose to clean off anything left from the mighty wash. Won't this be washing off tricombs????? It will only have 2 weeks left when I get done with all this washing, is that enough time for it to still be a frosty bud? I seen a guy washing his plants in the shower, I look at that like the buds will be no good???????
Here is some info on this grow


Well-Known Member
No webbing noticable. Just checking leaves and notice it. I'll try to get some close ups of the leaves. Bugs are gone or dead so far I haven't seen any. Do the mites ever get on or in the buds?



Well-Known Member
if I sprayed the underside and tops of leaves for good measure. Will they climb into the buds to get away from the mighty wash? Also wont the might wash, wash off the tricombs? Will it effect the potency? I bought this stuff, just in case, but was saying to myself, I will never put this shit on my babies. But it was that, or throw these away after being eatin up by mites.
Been raising these now since Feb.12 Still amazed the way my first time turned out. This shit was ez until the mites. This is all personal weed, so if the mights crawled up into the bud. They better be fireproof, cause I will be smoking them.....lol Still very little smell coming from them, and the smell is nothing I've ever smelled before. Sure don't smell like the good skunk that is bought. Got about 8, 8" colas and a ton that are 4 and 5". Looking at 2 weeks on one of them and 3 on the other two. That will make both at 8 weeks. I sprayed these and didn't clean the grow box. The second spray will be tomorrow. Does anyone have a good chem. to clean a wooden grow box? My thought was soap and bleach.


Well-Known Member
No, they win by sheer numbers and small size. It's almost impossible to be totally rid of them once they have established in your grow. Every time I have had them over the last 12 years 4 or 5, I have eventually, finally gotten rid of them by killing off the habitat, my grow room, entirely, and restarting from seed.

From my observations, they hide under the leaf where the round petiole meets the flat surface under the leaf. In that sharp corner, spray just wont reach and larva or adults that happen to be there will not be sprayed and will survive to begin the colony again. You may go weeks before they become noticable the second time if you did a good job, but this also works against you, because after that amount of time, you're sure they're gone and have stopped looking for sign. Don't stop looking for mite sign until you harvest, even though you've sprayed.


Well-Known Member
Yes they will affect the buds and will fuck your harvest. They are immune to the mighty wash now, you need another miticide applied on plants ,surrounding areas and re-applied 5 days later vacuuming daily.


Well-Known Member
No, they win by sheer numbers and small size. It's almost impossible to be totally rid of them once they have established in your grow. Every time I have had them over the last 12 years 4 or 5, I have eventually, finally gotten rid of them by killing off the habitat, my grow room, entirely, and restarting from seed.

From my observations, they hide under the leaf where the round petiole meets the flat surface under the leaf. In that sharp corner, spray just wont reach and larva or adults that happen to be there will not be sprayed and will survive to begin the colony again. You may go weeks before they become noticable the second time if you did a good job, but this also works against you, because after that amount of time, you're sure they're gone and have stopped looking for sign. Don't stop looking for mite sign until you harvest, even though you've sprayed.
Are you suggesting I throw out these and start over? Man I have colas almost a foot long and harvest is in about 2 weeks. Don't see any mites, I have about 10 leaves out of about 100 damaged a little. I would send myself to a shrink if I tossed these. lol colas are dense as hell.


Well-Known Member
No, Don't kill your plants, of course not. You have to control the mites till harvest. I'm saying that if you have any other plants around your grow, like another generation in veg, a mother or clones, odds are they have been infected and you have to move to control them as well.

As far as killing off my room, I always run a perpetual harvest and have plants in veg, mothers, rooted clones and flowering plants everywhere. It's nearly impossible to remove them from a room like that without just starting over.


Active Member
If you want to avoid it from happening again, after you use the Hand of God card (ie kill everything after harvest, if your doing a perpetual harvest...well...not this time) make sure you maintain negative pressure with your exhaust fans. The chance of it coming back is less next time around. Don't go crazy with the spraying. Just enough to keep them at bay. Too bad nobody in your area is being infected with west nile virus. If people were, your county would eventually start fumigating your neighborhood with a megaphone/sprayer equipped truck. I had probs with mites for 3 years until my county literally eradicated almost all mites and aphids ( and many other insects) with spray trucks throughout last Summer. I leave an indicator plant (a common weed that the aphids like) outside my door. Still no aphids outside and no mites inside. Use your hands to squash them , a clean not too moist sponge to wipe the undersides of the leaves and a little miticide ( the kind with piperonal butoxide and pyrethrin would work best but piperonal butoxide is no longer used in OTC insecticides. If you can somehow get a hold of someones old stock that would be awesome. The best piperonal butoxide spray I ever used was called i-Bomb. It would not burn the foliage the way other higher concentrated pyrethrin sprays did. You could get really up close and personal with it and it was just as effective as a more highly concentrated pyrethrin .


Well-Known Member
Yo just go and find azamax or floramite. I spray them once in veg and a week after i put them into flower. Even if there is no mite problem. Gotta stay on top of things.


Well-Known Member
mites gone for now, leaves turning colors, thought was nute burn, but it has a light green color right after burn. Any ideas. One of my plants are in the 7th week of flower, was thinking about flushing and just keep on water for the duration.
