600 HPS and CFLs question please help


Well-Known Member
hi all!
i plan on germinating
9 fems & 5 regular beans

do u guys think a 400MH is enough to veg these 14 for 3-4 weeks then use 600 HPS to flower? for optimal lighting do i have to supplement 2700K CFLS for flowering with 600 HPS?

thanks everyone~ merry christmas!!


Well-Known Member
thanks for quick reply, how tall are they before u switch to 12/12? are u going a scrog or sog? thank u again
Plants were given about a monthand a half veg and are def a SOG. Too many plants and not enough canopy space due to their size for me to SCROG. 9 plants under a 600w I'de say ull have to SOG (by sog i mean solid canopy and close quarters not necessarily lollipoping). Plants were prolly 1.5 ft before being put into flower and several have been kinked to stay short and even the canopy out. I vegged too long for the space i have. Ide say with 9 plants you could put them into flower pretty young. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
can u not use both ur mh and hps for veggin and flowering? have u separate ballasts? if so then go with both, just watch the heat but even although mh is not the exact spectrum for flower it will help along with the hps. its what im gaunna do on my next veg. i run a 600 wat hps and 400 watt hps for flower but replaceing the 400hps with 400mh for next vegging stage on future grow then changing bulbs again for flower.


Well-Known Member
can u not use both ur mh and hps for veggin and flowering? have u separate ballasts? if so then go with both, just watch the heat but even although mh is not the exact spectrum for flower it will help along with the hps. its what im gaunna do on my next veg. i run a 600 wat hps and 400 watt hps for flower but replaceing the 400hps with 400mh for next vegging stage on future grow then changing bulbs again for flower.
sounds like good idea, i just need another hood, bc i share hoods btw the two. i got 400 HPS bulb, now u got me thinking lol...

it my raise my electricity bill up a lot more tho....


Well-Known Member
14 plants under one 400w for veg is kind of pushing it. Don't think I would do more than 12 at a time with that, but that's me.