600 watt led Good or bad


hey everyone i have done a lot of digging around and i just cant seem to find any info on the 600 watt led panels. i was wondering what other people think about this light does it work. its better then any other light i have seen stat wise. What do you guys think? its number 5 for 2000 dollars




Active Member
Here are some things I can tell you about the light:

1) It uses Orange LED's (although exact nm is not disclosed), which have LITTLE TO NO EFFECT whatsoever on plant growth. The most common orange LED used in LED Grow lights is 612nm-617nm. The reason why companies use orange, is due to old research from a company called SolarOasis. The company maintained that orange LED's aided in carotenoid function, which is completely false when we talk about marijuana, as carotenoids absorb peak amounts of light at 439nm and 483nm, which both lie in the blue spectrum. Simple testing with orange LED's reveals their extremely low level of efficacy, which means that any company using orange, likely has done little to no growing/testing with their own product. Any companies who have actually tested orange, no longer offer models with orange.

2) It uses 120 degree LED's, which will emit light in nearly all directions. About 30-40% of the light coming from the unit, will go directly to your eyes or your walls, instead of to your plants. The wider angle means that your 1W LED light is dispersed over more area, making the respective light much dimmer vs a light with a narrower beam. You need a narrower viewing angle to aim all of the light at your canopy, and to increase the intensity of the beam so it is able to penetrate. Without penetration you will never have good bud growth. If you want decent bud growth with a 120 degree LED, prepare to use it literally 1"- 3" from your plant.

3) Tthey don't disclose what you're getting in regards to output. They say "precision blue" or "precision red", but they fail to tell you the nm. They also fail to tell you whether it's a 1 orange, 1 red, 1 blue light, or if they include 2 reds, 2 blues, and orange. Keep this in mind: marijuana peak absorption points for photosynthesis are found at 439nm and 469nm blue, and 642nm and 667nm red. The peak points for carotenoids are listed above. If any LED light you're looking to purchase does not contain these points (or very close to them: within 5-10nm), it will not be capable of carrying out all of the functions of photosynthesis.


Active Member
what kind of brand do you think i should get. i really need leds that will work strong
The lights I'm using grew the bud you see in my avatar, and do a very good job at blooming marijuana. If you want to know more about them though, you should send me a PM.