600hps grow tent


im buying a 3x4.6x7 tent and im courious if i will have heat issues if i go with a 600hps if i will what could i do to keep my temps down thanks in advance ps i would like to not use a cool tube


i have a 3x3x7 with a 600 but it is a cooltube. my buddy has a tent same size as yours with a 600 no cooltube, he runs flex air duct from a window a/c thru a homeade filter and into the tent. Temps around 77 highest ive seen them was 79 also keep in mind he has 2 osc. fans in there as well. The key is going to be getting cool air into the tent


Active Member
I have a 4x4 with a 600 with the ballast outside. Heat has been a pain in the ass to the point of getting an air cooled hood. I've got a small window ac that is also vented to the box, but the temp control is on the ac's intake. Regulating temperature is difficult. I would recommend skipping the hassle and buying a proper cooled hood.


Well-Known Member
If you do not have a cooled reflector or ac, you will have heat issues. I bumped my fan and it turned off, my tent was over 90 in not too long.
I wouldn't use a cool tube, you can fit a nice square reflector in a 3 x 3 tent.