600watt HPS Cooling Question


Active Member
Hello, thanks in advance for the help!

I am going to invest in a 600watt HPS for my closet grow and the reflector that I am looking at looks like this one http://infiniteseason.com/store/images/coolsun8.jpg

My question is, will I need to hook this bad boy up to ducting and get an inline fan? (this is the ultimate plan and to have it hooked up to a scrubber on one end.) But do I need it right away?

Will I be able to run it without major heat issues with just a fan blowing towards it in the closet?
Sorry if this is a dumb question...please correct me :)


Well-Known Member
Depends on the space you are working with. However, you will definitely need some form of air flow.


Active Member
Closet is 6x2x5 ft. Probably need to split it in half for flowering/vegging. So about 6 square ft. for the light to cover and 30 cu. ft. of air that the light would be heating.


Active Member
I don't know how big you closet is, but you will more than likely want a vented hood. Its a good idea to have proper ventilation as well, so thst the air doesent get too stale.


Active Member
The hood in the picture is vented, I guess I might just have to bite the bullet and buy an inline fan to pull air out of the closet.


Active Member
That's really the only way I know, you gotta pump that air somewhere anyways. If your trying to do it right, you mine as well.


Active Member
If you don't have an exhaust fan and ducting taking the heat OUT of the closet, your closet will probalby be hard to get below 90 degrees. If you live in an area with high humidty and high temperature and you don't have AC you will be totally fucked... You need an Inline fan with a HPS light, especially 600 watts in a small closet. Get a fan or don't expect great results.


Active Member
They're right, 600w is a hot bitch. Mine is a work in progress, got a can fan coming in and using a 6" to suck air out of my reflector and the best I've been able to do is 82 degrees, usually hovers around 85. That I'm in a very dry climate has kept it reasonable. They say 70-75 degrees is what they want and while that is ideal, my plants looks good enough.

dark leaf

Well-Known Member
If you don't have an exhaust fan and ducting taking the heat OUT of the closet, your closet will probalby be hard to get below 90 degrees. If you live in an area with high humidty and high temperature and you don't have AC you will be totally fucked... You need an Inline fan with a HPS light, especially 600 watts in a small closet. Get a fan or don't expect great results.
This. I put a 250w HPS in a 2x4x8 closet with only a 12" fan and temps got into the 90's. You MUST get the air out of the area your growing in.

Oh and a 250cfm for 30$ hmmm.


Well-Known Member
If you don't have an exhaust fan and ducting taking the heat OUT of the closet, your closet will probalby be hard to get below 90 degrees. If you live in an area with high humidty and high temperature and you don't have AC you will be totally fucked... You need an Inline fan with a HPS light, especially 600 watts in a small closet. Get a fan or don't expect great results.
i agree with that!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Local hardware says they have an inline fan 250 CFM for $30...I figure that would be enough to keep temps down?
Nope, its going to get HOT man, you need to invest in a real fan, not an in line helper.
For example get a 6" Can Fan, I have two 1000 watters being cooled by an 8" can fan.