600watt MH/HPS 4'x4' homemade grow room

This is my first real attempt at growing, 2 years ago I threw some seeds in the dirt and got lucky so I tried to run with it. Now I'm at a place where I'm sick of paying top dollar for inconsistant product that most of the time doesn't come close to what I think I could grow for my own personal stash. I have no desire to share my harvest with anyone other then the people that happen to come stand in the circle when I light it up:bigjoint:. What I'm saying is I don't need a big op that produces mass amounts of herb, I just want to produce enough to STAY high.

I built a 4'x4'x7'6" room and decked it out with:
-1 x 600watt MH/HPS
-1 x 6"carbon filter
-3 x 6" inline duct fans(160cfm each)[one for exhaust, 1 to cool 600watt light, 1 for intake]
supplemental lighting
-2 x 4'florecent shop lights
-3 x 2'florecent grow lights

I'm waiting on 2 of my fans and my 6 x 5 gallon smart pots to come in on Friday so I can get started(guess I'm really just waiting on the fans for now)

I'm geminating some seeds that I have been collecting for the past couple months all stuff that I've been able to pull out of my friends or my stash but 5 are from a sack of some really nice smelling purple stuff, 3 from a sack of some really light green and very strong smelling(like a lemon or chemical[good way hard to describe] kind of smell), and lastly 3 from a sack of some terrible mid grade herb that I picked up with my friends while we were out of town.

Please leave any suggestions you might have, I'm still just learning



Hi, like the setup! I only have a few questions:
1) What temp.(k) are the (3) 2ft fluorescent lights? The color looks odd. (could be the camera)
2) Do you have a 600w MH bulb, AND a 600w HPS bulb?
3) Are you starting your seeds in 5 Gal Pots? I would recommend 1 Gal Pots, then transplant to 5. Saves nutes/supplements/water. Personally, I prefer 1/3/7.. Quality soil is important!

Anyway, I've seen similar setups produce grade A product. Good Luck!
1) I'm not sure I bought them at walmart during my first attempt 2 years ago and just threw them up in the box
2) I have my MH bulb(sunmaster cool delux) but I was waiting till closer to flowering time to buy my HPS bulb
3) I'm starting my seedlings in Jiffy-Pots3(they are about the size of a solo cup, just a little smaller)

Thanks for input and keep it coming, I have high hopes for this grow(pun intended)
I checked on my seeds and after the first 24 hours all 3 of mid grade bag seeds have poped and 1 of the 3 from the bag of some kind of purp has poped also. I'm glad that they poped but know I have them in my grow room with all the lights on and I'm still waiting on my 2 other 6" fans to come in to cool my 600watt light. :wall:

so now I have them in the room but I left the door off and I have a blower fan pointed into the door at the light. The temp around the plants is 78F right now and its 74f inside the room that the grow room is in. Do you think that I'm gonna be able to keep the temps low enough this way until I get my fans in on friday or should I just toss the bag seed and order some real seeds like a real grower and start for real for real after I get my ventilation set up real, I mean right:lol:?



Well-Known Member
no i wouldn't toss anything... you said yourself that some was good some was ok..... my guess is it will all be lovely if you tend it properly and harvest at the correct time.... most weed that isnt that good has been poorly taken care of and harvested too early in order to turn there all important profit

run with it.... and use it as a learning experience, my guess is you'll be blownaway with your results ..... and by then you'll have some pukka seed waiting for next run


Well-Known Member
temps are fine..... 80-85f for periods during veg is acceptable (so i'm told)...wont hurt them one bit, hang on i'll borrow someone elses post he sums it up perfect........

Burger Boss
two responses before said 74-80f .... and 74 - 85f

Both of the above responses are right in the ballpark of "ideal". If by chance, your temps go above these ideal ranges, for short periods of time, there is no cause for alarm, they really CAN take it.
LOL, some growers think their girls will "spontaneously combust" if the temp gets above 90!
Wishing ALL, Good luck & good grow.......BB
I turned all my lights on even though I'm still waiting on 2 more 6" fans to come in because 4 of my 11 seeds already poped, I want to veg 8 so I can flower at least 4, so since I decided to try to grow them without waiting on my other fans to cool my light I ran into a heat issue. Inside my box reached 92F after about an hour of running the lights with the door open. I went to lowes looking for a cheap fan to move some air across my 600w MH I found a replacment bathroom fan for $14.95 and I also picked up some ducting so I could run the hot exhaust from the light outside of the room...... so far so good, the exhaust is kicking out hot air(more than I thought it would:-P) and my temps are sitting at about 80F with the door closed. This should be the perfect temp for seedlings right?


my bad troutie, didn't see that post about the temps before I posted my heat issue update. Like I said in the post my temps were at 92F with the door off and a blower fan pointed at the light and I can't run my room with the door off(well I technically could but I don't want the light leaking from the room that the growroom is in into the hall and the only way light doesn't leak is with the door on) so I posted some new pics to show what did to solve my minor problem.
does anyone have any favorite strains that are Sativia dominate or even better pure Sativa? Also trying to find a really good yeilding blue strain if anyone can help me out. PLEASE LEAVE A LINK TO WHERE I CAN ORDER THE SEEDS.


Well-Known Member
I loved the chocolope I grew - it's primarily sativa. I would recommend ordering your seeds from attitude seed bank and if so remember to use the 420 discount code.
you read minds over there? Was just looking at the chocolope and it looks awesome!!!! still looking for a blue strain, I almost feel like I have to get one just because of my user name lol. Good call on the 420 discount code


Well-Known Member
yeah fella ... LOWES fix looks good and if its sorted it, your laughing brother..... pleased its working out for ya!
Unfortunately the replacement bathroom fan didn't keep my light as cool as I was hoping it would, after leaving the room with the door shut for a few hours I came back to find the temp. inside the the room sitting around 100F:-(. I left the door open the rest of the night and put a blower fan in the hallway to blow cool air into the room that the growroom is in. Problem is that now it is loud as hell in here plus it really restrictes me as far as letting anyone come over to my house lol. This morning I went back to lowes and got a 6" to 4" adapter so that my exhaust ducting from my light would have a tighter seal and hopefully help with my temp.(and now it doesn't look so janky)and I ran some ducting from my 6" freash air intake fan to the air intake fan on the light, it has increased the air flow significantly from when it was just the one small bathroom fan on the light. I hope that this helps but I know that I'm still gonna need to be able to exhaust the room with another fan before I can close the door but I HAVE TO BE ABLE TO SHUT THIS DOOR and I don't know if I can wait till friday to do it. I looked at both lowes and home depot for inline duct booster fans but neither one carries them in store..... So am I still stuck with these hot temps. till at least Friday? Does anyone have any cooling solutions that you have used on your grows, past or present?


I callled up my local hydro/indoor shop where I had ordered the 2 extra 6" booster fans that I was waiting on and I'm glad I did. After talking to the owner for a few minutes about what my problems were and what equipment I was lacking he informed me that the inline booster fans that I was waiting on wouldn't have enough power to draw air through my carbon filter properly anyway so I exchanged that order for a 4" inline ecoplus classic(170cfm). I rigged it up so that the ecoplus draws air from the room through the carbon filter then through the 600w light to cool it and then out of the box after that, exhaust is on the front of the box at the top left corner and the intake is on the right hand side of the box at the bottom right hand corner. My lights are on a 18/6 timer but the ecoplus is gonna run non stop:hump:. Just got it all hooked up so I figured I'd throw up the pics since this is hopefully the end of my building for a little bit, I gotta get some green in here quick so this box doesn't start feeling like a money pit.

edit: right now the lights are off and I'm hoping that the room will cool off before the lights turn back on at 8pm and then hopefully I can keep the door shut and have no light pollution in the hall so I can keep having guest over.

