650 gr/m2???


iv seen alot of people explain this but i just wanna know if i plant 3 to 5 seeds how much bud will i get out of the plants. atleast a pound or 2???:weed: this is gonna b the first time growing it myself,


Well-Known Member
That's the Sea Of Gree method, as many plants as you can fit in a small area, small pots, almost no veg time, most go 12/12 from seed or clone. 650 grams in one square meter of plants on average. Then again seed companies are trying to sell their products, they tend to exaggerate figures quite a bit.


Active Member
hello mate.. some people aim for 1 gram per watt.. im sure that what ur talking about.. its not easy. it doesnt nessesserily depend on number of plants.
i have achieved almost that, in soil. it depends on too many factors, i joined this website and read, read read, for ages, before taking the leap. the people on here can and will help you every step of the way.... good luck, more info and your opening move would be helpfull...


Misguided Angel
My first grow was a disaster, probably 1.5 ounces off of 4 plants. Do not get your hopes up too high or you will more than likely be very disappointed your first grow. Do tons of research and learn from your mistakes, believe me there will be some. Good luck!