6500k lights mixed with 5000k for Veg?


Active Member
Hey guys! Looking for a little advice. I have a 125 Watt 6500k CFL, plus 2 42 watt 6500ks. I am adding 2 more 55 Watt lights. Should I keep all of them 6500k or throw in a few 5000k to cover a broader spectrum? Thanks for any advice.


Well-Known Member
If you want a broader spectrum, throw in a couple 2700k, alot of people do mixed spectrum. I don't think the difference between 6500k and 5000k is TOO severe, so it might not make too much of a difference. But ya can't have too much light when it comes to CFL's!


Active Member
I just switched from CFLs in my flowering area to a 400 Watt HPS and my 125 Watt 2700K CFL. I have 4 or 5 42-55 watt 2700ks I won't be using for flower anymore, so I'll throw some of those in my veg area. Thanks for the reply. +rep.