6Months no Bud?


Hello, I've been growing 2 plants outside since February and I still have no bud.

It looks as though they might be starting too as I can see that they are both Females.

I would like to know.
How Long does it take to grow bud outside?

All together, the whole cycle, Veg, Flower, ect? thanks!!!!!!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Its all about the number of daylight hours and the strain. As fall nears and the days continue to shorten she will do what she needs too do.


Well-Known Member
A dude i met down in tortola in the virgin islands had this huge ass plant and we started to talk about it...he said his take six months to fully grow so maybe a bit more


I hope by the end of August they make some major Advancement, If I can I'll get some pictures, but if you would like more information here are the specs:

-I planted both of them back in February
-Both are Female
-Height: Over 5' 06'
They look ok, nice Stems and Root system. The leaves are a bit different though, some are nice and green while others are a bit yellow in color



Well-Known Member
The plants wont produce bud until fall. Doesn't matter when you planted 'em, or how big they are, they won't flower until fall.


The plants wont produce bud until fall. Doesn't matter when you planted 'em, or how big they are, they won't flower until fall.
Thanks man, I was really wondering cause they have been growing for so long haha

If I can get some pics up I will!!!:hug:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I was really wondering cause they have been growing for so long haha

If I can get some pics up I will!!!:hug:
Most plants will start showing now if not in august. Good luck Its all about the daylight hours your plants get soon they will recognize there time is comming to a end.


Well-Known Member
the plants will start to flower as soon as it gets 12 hrs complete darkness it will then flower you are looking at mid october if not later


Well-Known Member
yeah dont worry about it depending on where u live they should be done mid oct give or take a few weeks. and dont worry about the yellow leaves just pull them off and it will keep growing. try to get some pics

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
How bigs that fucker?

Yeah dont worry itll start budding when the light turns to 12/12 which is late summer/ fall


Well-Known Member
the plants will start to flower as soon as it gets 12 hrs complete darkness it will then flower you are looking at mid october if not later
I beg to differ dude. Indoors we have to force them to flower. But out in nature and a much more mature plant. As stated above, should be seeing signs of preflower by the middle to end of August, if not a bit sooner. Since June 21 the days have begun to get shorter. Least here in the northern hemisphere. The plant knows this. If they waited until September 20 or 21 for the first equal daylight/dark, she would be way behind. Nature knows what she is doing. Outdoor growing is a different game than indoors.


Well-Known Member
And never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever use Dark Energy on outdoors grow. That is unless they have 24 hr protection! 'It stinks but it works' is right. But keep it inside! Learned a hard lesson this year. Every critter in your hood will be digging around your plants roots if you use this outdoors.