7 Week Flower Multi Strain CFL Grow - 325 Watt


Well-Known Member
Once upon a time I had a journal going for this grow. That fell to the wayside. Rather than dig that thing up I figured I'd just start a new thread and share the girls.

These are 3 obviously different strains that came from an indoor mix I bought. I'm a first time grower and am pretty happy with the looks of things so far. I've been having to make adjustments along the way to deal with temperature and humidity fluctuations, but it's been really fun.

One of the girls looks like she's getting fairly close, so I flushed her the other day. She's about 90% cloudy. I'm hoping in about two weeks or so she'll be ready. The other 2 seem to be at least 3 or 4 weeks away, maybe more. Pretty much all clear trichomes in them. This was definitely a lesson in the different characteristics strains can exhibit. Anyways, here's some pics!!


match box

Well-Known Member
They look good. I have been growing 4 or 5 strains at a time. You have to adjust to keep them all looking good.


New Member
I dig the set up...w the side veg room n all that...u got it going on....I've got some 4 weeks in flower...View attachment 2422067View attachment 2422068....n my veg box just turned into a flower box for this one...View attachment 2422070...she just outgrew it n was showing female preflowers so have two flower boxes now...ha...oh well ill get enuff smoke off the whole harvest to last me through another grow...my timing was poorly planned....also cfls....looks like if u do it right w a veg and a flower going w a couple plants in each u can keep urself in a good bit of smoke...


Well-Known Member
Yours are looking pretty good. Definitely fatter at 4 weeks than mine. Hell, they look as big as mine are now. I was worried that I wasn't going to get much out of these plants but here in the last week or two they've really started putting on weight. I think I've overcrowded the box a little with 3 plants, probably should have gone with 2. Oh well, live and learn. I've already decided that the next grow will be a 2 plant scrog. It seems to be the technique with the highest yields, especially with CFLs.

As for the box, yea I'm really glad I opted for building it with a veg chamber. I almost just made it one big chamber, but I figured it'd be easier to build it with a veg/flower/clone chamber now than it would be to add them later if I wanted it. I'm new to this, so I don't have the timing down just yet, but once I do I should be able to harvest every 10 weeks or so. I really don't smoke a lot so an ounce every harvest would be more than enough. I'm hoping to get two ounces per harvest. If that would happen, I'd only have to grow for 3 or 4 months and then could shut it down for the year. It'd be nice to take a break during summer months when the heat, humidity, and electricity costs become and issue. Doesn't look like this is going to be anywhere near 2 ounces but I'm hopeful that the scrog, along with learned experience, will net me more in the future.


New Member
Awesome approach....I think you'll do fine....and thanks bout my plants...they have got big fast...they've been like that the whole grow....I hope they finish like that too...u may get two ounces...prolly more like an oz n a half...