70 mg 4 aco DMT: UNREAL

Yesterday I just experienced my first trip, and the hallucinations and effects were absolutely insane. I have been researching some of the bizarre sensations I felt while I was on this substance, and I cannot find any accounts that parallel mine.

So, I am going to list my symptoms, and I want some informed trippers to confirm that my experience correlates to a 70 milligram dose of DMT. I am 18 years old and weigh 160 pounds.

20 minutes after consumption
-Tons of crazy multicolored geometric shapes: traingles, octagons, cubes,
-Web like strands with colors and somehow clear at the same time
-My carpet turned blue and seemed to grow
-Everything began to bend at impossible angles
-Some colors became very intense, but only some. For instance this one plant became unbelievably bright green
-My shades looked like they were moving but in reality they weren't
-Little sparks of light appeared everywhere
-light euphoria
-general giddiness

50 minutes after consumption
-I experienced intense audio distortions. I spoke in super slow motion, and sometimes very very quickly. I wasn't sure if i was actually speaking like this or if it was just a false perception. I later found that i was talking normally.
-Time was moving extremely slowly
-I felt afraid that I would remain hallucinating forever
-My voice echoed all the time
-My 'inner voice' transformed into other people's voices, but yet my thoughts remained similar to my normal self's thoughts
-Voices whispered my name quietly
-I felt nausea, like i was going to throw up, but when i tried i couldn't. that feeling shortly faded
-I forgot what I did in the recent past
-I felt somewhat like a little kid
-I felt dis-inhibited in a weird way, feeling like being naked wouldn't be a problem
-I salivated a fair amount, and put my fingers in my mouth
-I generally became a totally different person from my normal self
-serious ego loss
-lapsing moments of relative sanity and hallucination
-increased euphoria, significantly better than weed smoking euphoria
-difficulty speaking

1 and a half hours after consumption (in the dark and trying to sleep)
-continued intense visual and audio hallucinations, including flowers seeming to sprout out of my floor
-horrible and intense ideological theorizing, trying to find my own meaning
-continued lapses of myself and my heavily influenced self almost taking turns, with slight euphoria and then intense depression and emotional pain
-flashing white light
-almost complete loss of ego
-feelings of hopelessness and meaninglessness
-forgetting my identity and even my own name
-the materialization of time and existence as small and fragile
-i couldn't feel my heart beating
-i had to focus to breath, it felt as if i was choking

2 and half hours after consumption
-mild hallucinations
-total forgetfulness, i spent an hour and a half remembering the past day
-seeing bright colorful dots, and the walls seemed red
-i felt very relaxed and unperturbed by my hallucinations

4 hours after consumption
-lethargy, continued little colorful dots on my carpet, otherwise no hallucinations

next morning
-no hallucinations, restoration to my healthy self

Does this sound like a typical bad 4 aco DMT story or something different? I was given a white powder substance which I mixed with water and then drank. This was my first time doing any other drug besides weed.

Any responses would be greatly appreciated, and if anybody else can relate to my experience please elaborate. Thanks

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hey buddy ... welcome to your new world !!
Weed will never be the same again !
U thought that stuff got you high ....huh ??

You have opened new frequencies .....


A hopeful outdoor/indoor Psychonaut !!


sven deisel

Well-Known Member
first time tripping? 70mg? and yet we shrug our shoulders in wonder of y they passed a law to keep it out of the hands of assholes. stay away from from rc's you are going to die you are a moron


yo dude that was prob a bit too much. I don't advise over 35 mg, but I am glad to see you took it well and had a good time. I bet it was unreal. Seriously tho in the future when doing other rc's please pay attention to the info out there a guy your age overdosed last month on another potent rc.
first time tripping? 70mg? and yet we shrug our shoulders in wonder of y they passed a law to keep it out of the hands of assholes. stay away from from rc's you are going to die you are a moron


Well-Known Member
Wow dude 70mg is crazy dose really surprised you didnt get more sick.

Yes your trip sounds very very similar to my 50mg trip on 4AcoDMT so i think you were given the correct substance :)

Sven come on he obviously needs some guidance but he doesnt sound like an asshole
But i would agree you should do a tiny bit more research about what youre putting in your body. --Ive seen no less than 4 people in the last 2 years go crazy (just for a few hours then totally fine) while tripping, usually because they took more than they could handle (ever seen anyone rail a huge line of 2cE? (would not suggest this at all)).

Ego death and being reborn through psychedelics is great but so is getting the hang of tripping on some lower doses ;)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
No doubt .... We speak after the fact !
Our friend is with us !
Definitely .... take it easy !
And as Keeper would most likely say .... You need to work on your skill set !!

Don't be a here ...next time.
U gotta have a strong mind for these toys !

Ego Death ... first chem trip !!
Are you OK ?
I still Welcome you friend !
Be careful Please !


sven deisel

Well-Known Member
i beg to differ blazed. was realy lucky it was something that forgiving. if he would have gotten his hands on something like like doc this thread wouldnt be here he would have been another stat of someone that got ahlod of something they knew nothing about and yet another notch in the destruction of the rc world. go back to sniffing your markers this world is not for you


Well-Known Member
i beg to differ blazed. was realy lucky it was something that forgiving. if he would have gotten his hands on something like like doc this thread wouldnt be here he would have been another stat of someone that got ahlod of something they knew nothing about and yet another notch in the destruction of the rc world. go back to sniffing your markers this world is not for you
This is true didnt even think about someone giving some a DOx :/
Obviously he was a little foolhardy not doing any research on what he was doing but i still think whoever dosed him should have been more responsible and that OP could come around and become a responsible tripper. I mean if you tell a kid not to do something whats he going to do? I take the approach its better to try to educate them rather than just turning them away.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
i beg to differ blazed. was realy lucky it was something that forgiving. if he would have gotten his hands on something like like doc this thread wouldnt be here he would have been another stat of someone that got ahlod of something they knew nothing about and yet another notch in the destruction of the rc world. go back to sniffing your markers this world is not for you
Perhaps Our Hero has learned the lesson !
Then again ... how can he NOT !

This might have turned out 'ugly' without a doubt !
As we type ... HE is recalibrating !


sven deisel

Well-Known Member
maybe i need to brush up on my english. i dont see anything that says this was done by anyone other than himself. and even if someone else did make the dose up he still knew how much was in the fucking thing. and in way less time than it took to even thing about writing all of that(was a very nice report) a few key strokes would have taught him everything he needed to know


Well-Known Member
I was given a white powder substance which I mixed with water and then drank.
I assumed based on everything he meant someone gave him the 4aco.

It was a good report :), i agree with you he should do more research

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
well everyone gets it from somewere. that part that say i mixed it in water tells me he did this himself. i could see if were to say someone gave me a capsule with that in it. when dealing with a lose powder thats usaly not sold on dosage basis more of money to weight thing. either way you cut it you dont take a bag of powder and just dump it in water and drink it. trust me i tell you this because i run a plant and have looked every were. they havent made a cure for stupid yet. not everyone is cut out to be a researcher


Active Member
After reading your trip report, I immediately checked dosage on Erowid. You sir, are either incredibly brave or incredibly naive. Did you do any research on the substance you thought you were going to ingest? Think about purchasing test chemicals. I purchased a lot from dancesafe.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Hey buddy ... welcome to your new world !!
Weed will never be the same again !
U thought that stuff got you high ....huh ??

You have opened new frequencies .....


A hopeful outdoor/indoor Psychonaut !!

Fucking rabbit in the moon man, now that's some crazy electronica hahaha. I remember they played a Halloween show out here a few years ago and i had eaten my fair share of mdma and decided it would be a good idea to hop on the stage and just sit down... Needless to say bunny dude was way cool with it and just fucked with me for an hour or so... Def an interesting experience to say the least!

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Anyways' op, that's just the world of psychedelics man... Try this, if you trip out again sometime in the future and your head start's going towards negative thought's there is one easy question that you can ask yourself to help put everything back into perspective... What's this question you ask? Well hold on to your britches and tell you.

Like i said.... One simple question you have to ask yourself......

You know what's worse then this bad trip im on....?

.......... The Holocaust.


Well-Known Member
well everyone gets it from somewere. that part that say i mixed it in water tells me he did this himself. i could see if were to say someone gave me a capsule with that in it. when dealing with a lose powder thats usaly not sold on dosage basis more of money to weight thing. either way you cut it you dont take a bag of powder and just dump it in water and drink it. trust me i tell you this because i run a plant and have looked every were. they havent made a cure for stupid yet. not everyone is cut out to be a researcher
O reelly? What kind of plant do you work in, if you dont mind me asking :)?


Active Member
The holocaust lol.

Um IDK if that's where you want ur mind to wonder ;)

Seriously. Unless you are a saint, and no one is.... Bad trips at first are a given.

It's called cleaning out the cobwebs. Fixing things that a wrong with you. We all have problems to fix.

If you beat your wife. Every fucking tv show you watch will be about domestic violence.

Tis the way this works.... Humility is the best teacher...... (BAD TRIP)