789 Grams Of Weed Found On 2,700 Year Old Mummy


Well-Known Member
they said it was either restricted to a few individuals, or these shamans passed it out as medicine. i think its the latter haha


Well-Known Member
It said it contained a relatively high concentration of T.H.C.

That would be sweet if they tested it and it had like 25% or 30. Probably had more like 10 or 12%.


Well-Known Member
That's badass!!! And we are supposed to be smarter than those dudes!! Bullshit they had a grasp on the meaning of life and liberty.


Well-Known Member
It said it contained a relatively high concentration of T.H.C.

That would be sweet if they tested it and it had like 25% or 30. Probably had more like 10 or 12%.
Relative is the key word here, and time period is the key aspect. Back in the 60s, they used to confiscate sacks that had a lot of trim in it. Of course trim has small amounts of thc, so the average thc in an ounce bag of bud would be 3-5%. This is considered to be the average by the government for all weed dating from the 60s and back. A strain with relatively high thc in the "olden" days was 6-12%, so that would be my guess for the level of thc in the thousand year old bud.


RIU Bulldog
Goes to show you how important the plant must have been to the pharaohs if they didn't even want to be without it in the afterlife.
...good idea...


Well-Known Member
Not sure if homie was a pharaoh, he was found in Northwestern China, and was a Caucasian with blue eyes (according to the article). They're guessing he was a shaman.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Look at the date that article was posted. Not being a dick, just sayin. It's been 3 years, dont you think that its been posted here atleast 4 times?




Im gonna stop while im ahead =P

1<3 brahhhhhh.
You know the internet rule: 7 times the charm.

3 more untill its's official.


Well-Known Member
i don't search on this site. it's pointless & frustrating & I believe it is thusly by design, to encourage endless reposts of "Why are my leaves turning yellow?" type questions. so whatever. don't read it then. I hadn't heard about it & apparently not everybody else had either so whatever; I owe RIU 6 bits of space for a repost. bill me.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Goes to show you how important the plant must have been to the pharaohs if they didn't even want to be without it in the afterlife.
...good idea...
exactly. they built the fucking pyramids and we still aren't totally sure how they did it. i think it's safe to say they were pretty bright. yet they loved their herb...yeah weed wrecks your life all right...silly drug nazis.