8 clones: 1 dead, 5 problem, 2 Monsters? complete journal


Well-Known Member

I found your forum and have learned a lot here. Thanks everyone.

Now I started my 1st hydro grow. Eight plants using a drip system called Waterfarm 8-pack, For lights I have three, 2 sodiums and one Halide in the center.

I planted clones in hydroton 3 weeks ago and I have had 2 that are fantastic, 5 that havent grown much and 1 die. All the same water and lights. (talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly)

I kept a complete journal of the grow on a webpage complete with dates and pictures in case I needed help. Last entry was today.

There are four plants that seem like runts. I would like to know what to do about them. curling leaves on most then straight as an arrow on another. can it just be the strains I chose? I moved them around and forgot what was what.

Please visit: Home Grown
I could use your help.



Well-Known Member
Well, I thought I would post a few pics here for quick reference,
Here is a shot of the two 3 week old Monsters. I"m Proud of these.

Then, here are the 4 That I am having trouble with. Any I deas?



Well-Known Member
your feeding the clones to much, your killing them, have they even rooted, looks like you were lucky with the 2 bigger ones, why would you buy all that good gear lite ect. and not even have the clones rooted prop. have they got roots?.


Well-Known Member
i would just take clones from the bigger ones, and start again, cut some clones, get a plastic coke bottle, cut off the top, half fill with soil/vacumate/per. then stick your clones in rooting powder,in the soil,in the plastic bottle, and place a clear plastic bag over the top, holded on with a band, then place under lites, and spray every day, and they should have roots in a week or 2 , id throw them ill ones in the bin.


Well-Known Member
Hi Crazy,

All the clones had roots visible on the outside of the rockwell cubes when we planted.
We pulled the dead one and it had roots as long as the stock. So I just put it back for now. This is my 1st hydro grow, I have grown outside before. If these were in dirt I would leave them because I have seen plants come back but here we are limited in space.

I had thought of just tossing them and cloning the larger plants, flowering them and starting over with what seems to be doing well in this system. I just didnt know if it was possible (or worth the time) to save them.


Well-Known Member
ur fine keep babying the others be patient.back off on the feedins a little i had a clone (stubborn) take 4 weeks to really go.Take some more cuttings from the monsters when they are 12 inches.


Well-Known Member
try squaring off the ends of those leaves so the plant concentrates more on the roots.You can make it dont give in.Snip the ends of those little ones.


Well-Known Member

Thanks for the advice but I dont have anything to worry about anymore. My buddy cooked the plants. I went there this weekend and the door to the grow room was closed. He was out of it for three days. The door was the only ventilation to the room. It was 110 degrees in there and all the small plants were pretty much done. We also had two northern lights in dirt budding in the closet under a 400w sodium, no timer. Well they are toast. I am trying to save the larger ones. Is there anyone in San Jose Ca. that would hold on to these for a week or so until I can set up a grow closet?


hopper of grass

Active Member
cruzer101, cuz, this is Toronto, Canada callin. I am late, but a wise man once told me to learn from my mistakes. Have you learned yours? I looked over your pics and must ask how often you check your ph, your top off values and heat! I see heat stress all over as well ph burn, nute burn and blocked uptake.
Keep a journal and learn from your mistakes, you have choice gear man don't waste it!


Well-Known Member
Hi Hopper, thanks for stopping by.

Yes This is a learning experence. A month ago I couldnt even tell you what kind of light to use. I have come a long way in a short time thanks to this forum but there is still much to learn. On top of other things what I have learned is the waterfarm setup isolates the plants, there needs to be a way to disperse the nutrents evenly so when one plant uses up the neuts in the chanber that water can mix in the res before it waters again. I figured it out and converted this to an ebb an flow. Its all explained in my journal. I was keeping the journal on a website I built but I transferd it here today to the journals section. here's the link
1st Grow, Water Farm 8-Pack and Flora Nutes W/pics

Now I have had my first run My plan is to take clones and start a new grow, I bought a digital ph meter and ppm meter. Now I can adjust the ph all at once and I know I am starting with 300 ppm. so I can add the right amount of nutes. Either that or buy water. I am getting a new air cooled reflector and moving up to 1000w halide. I plan on dropping the sodiums about a foot lower on either side. Possibly attaching a light mover to the light assembly but Im not sure how they work yet. I figure what the hell, I am using the whole room. If this works I will have eight plants I know can grow. Then keep a mother bud the rest out and start a new strain. I figure I can keep 2 mums in my veg closet along with the starters.

All comments and suguestions welcome.

10x10 garden

Active Member
what is that burn ??? you say something about over watering i though this system didnt allow for over watering ???
I would Think a 1000 watt and a light mover would be enough to cover 2 8 packs easy with sufficent light


Well-Known Member
I dont know what that burn is. PH is balanced between 5.5 and 6.5 PPMs around 1300
I am currently using the tap water thats 300PPM to start with and I think I need to do something about that.

I water twice a day, Morning and afternoon for an hour each time.

I raised the lights a few inches but they are not on a track yet.

Yes I am learning. I put a lot into this but I never grew before and thats why I post here to get people to help me do it right. Thanks for the input. I hope to get this all figured out on this first grow and then be able to share my ideas as well.

You can folow my grow at my website or the thread I have here at rollitup Grow journals:


10x10 garden

Active Member
Id set youre timer to water the plants for 15 minutes at a time 3 or 4 times a day you definatiley dont need to water for an hour. Signs of over watering are floppy droopy leaves(which you dont have ) Id say keep ph at 5.5 When plants are grown properly ph will go up, unless you have a big res, I never checked ppm till just recentely or E.C. and never had any problems, Some plants dont like much nutes, try mixing your nutes to 1,000 ppm and see if the drop helps. Also any time you see some descent burn like that flush with fresh water and maybe something like B-52, thats what i use when i over feed em and within 2 or 3 days everythings back in order.


Well-Known Member
Thanks 10x10

I did exactly that. worked somewhat, then I found a better water supply.
I found a vending machine that I get r/o water for .35 a gal. only three blocks from the house. The tap was 300 ppm and the crap in it was leftover pesticides. Makes a big difference. I got them at 1000ppm and they are doing great. I attached a pic I took today. (The HPS make them look yellow)

