8 days old and need help


Active Member
my plants are only 8 days old and the leaves are drooping real bad. I started from seed and only give tap water once every two days. any help is appreciated


Active Member
Let the tap water sit for 8+ hours to let chlorine evaporate or use distilled to be safe. What is you're light setup? Shoot for at least 3k-10k luminens per square foot.


Active Member
depends on temps, humitity, and light. if your soil drains as it should, with a hps over it, with a fan blowing. mine are ready for a drink almost every morning.


Active Member
I'm useing three cfl 23 watts over nine 16oz cups. how close should my lights be. still trying to figure out how to post pics. think one of the plants being to die leaves turned yellow over weekend.