8 month old seeds?? Good/Bad ?


Well-Known Member
I have these seeds from 4th July 2009, right out of the bud. I've had them in an airtight jar and dark place since. Are they still good? I only want to use them for a practice run anyway before I order some good ish. Thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
put em in an oz of water the ones that sink are good, you can leve em up to 24 hours and tap on em to see if they sink, go straight from there to soil with the ones that sink


Well-Known Member
theres only one way to tell, see if they germinate! i know people that have stored them in containers in the refrigerator for years and germ rates were still good...


:bigjoint:my first serious grow i used seeds that i found pack in a box for 20 years no shit out of ten six sprouted an 1 was a female i took 11 clones an got 1/4 lb i needed more light but....$$$$ all an all give it a shot you have nothing to loose


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:my first serious grow i used seeds that i found pack in a box for 20 years no shit out of ten six sprouted an 1 was a female i took 11 clones an got 1/4 lb i needed more light but....$$$$ all an all give it a shot you have nothing to loose
See? There you go! 20 fecking years old!!! I have a few seeds that are going on two years old and I feel no urgency in getting them in the dirt as I am tired of the strain.


Well-Known Member
Can Man: Thats a beautiful story i hope i have the same happy ending. LOL
I soaked 9 of em in Distilled water for 6 hrs then put them in with damp papertowels in a container at 80 degrees F and 99% Hum They have been in the container for 48 hrs now no signs of life, yet.
Now i am taking the last 10 and trying the sink method advised by my man Riddleme. I'll try anything, willing to learn. Thanks ya'll for the great input. Ive said before I'll say it again... This site rocks when it comes to advice! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yesterday you helped me with my seed prob. followed your sink method (riddleme), guess what? It worked! Thanks!
So now i have some seeds with babyroots. I placed them in rockwell 1x1, now my question. Keep them worm and dark until sprouts, or warm and underlights? (i know 70-80 degrees for seeds and clones) Thanks again for your time everyone.


Well-Known Member
warm and u can start using the lights...just like mother nature, just make sure the little tap root isn't exposed to the light.


Well-Known Member
no.. go ahead and start using them! i was just saying make sure the tap root is buried in the rockwool and not exposed to the light


Well-Known Member
Great posts fella's..

I keep all my seeds in the refrigerator, in a small film canister..

Keeps em fresh, just like my cured bud.

Good luck :-P


Well-Known Member
16 seeds in individual 1" Rockwool under 4 T8s. I could not have come this far without ma fello tokers!! Love you mannnnn! This a great test run. I am dreaming about the seeds I want to order... maybe early summer late spring. I've deciced on reserva privada LA cheese and Barneys farm 8 ball kush. I'm so happy! LOL! Thanks again!