8 week strain


So I know you shouldn't count from start of 12/12 and you should wait for the pilstils to start showing but from what I've seen online they go against this

This is from one of the sites I have seen say this you will notice it sounds like they are counting from 12/12 but then how could it be finished in 8 weeks

Flowering Week by Week

Within three or four days of initiation to a daily dark period of 10-11 hours, cannabis changes its growth pattern from vegetative to flowering. After that it is on a course that ends with bud ripening. Most modern plants take 7-9 weeks, although some sativa strains take longer.

Week 1: The plant slows down its growth

Week 2: The first flowers appear at the nodes

Week 3: Vegetative growth continues as the plant grows a total of between 25-50% larger than when flowering started.

Week 4: Vegetative growth has ended and the plants concentrate more of their energy into flowering. Odor becomes more noticeable as the plants start to produce capitate trichomes.

Week 5: Flower growth proliferates quickly. The flowers become thicker in areas where they have previously grown and they appear in new places along the top of the branch. The odor increases as more trichomes are noticeable and the odor intensifies a little.

trichomes on flowering cannabis
Trichomes…so cute.
Week 6: Flower growth continues in varieties that take longer to mature. It slows and then stops in seven-week varieties as the plants begin to ripen. The calyx behind the stigmas begins to swell. The odors of the seven-week varieties intensify.

Week 7: The calyxes in the seven-week varieties swell to near bursting as THC is produced in the glands. At the end of the week they will be ready. The trichomes stand more erect and the caps swell with newly produced resin. At the end of the week the flowers reach the peak zone. The odor is intense and the glands, filled with resin, fluoresce. Growth stops in the eight-week varieties as the flowers start to mature.

Week 8: The flowers are ripe by the end of the week, and reach the peak zone in the last 72 hours. After that, they will start to deteriorate if they aren’t harvested.
I highly doubt seed companies would use the flip to 12/12 to count as the start of flowering when they could be using the shorter time of when first flowers appear, better hype that way.

I count from first flowers not 12/12 as if you flower before preflowers and still quite juvenille you will notice a longer flip time i.e. one to two weeks and certainly not the few days a well vegged plant would take.

Some guy was trying to get us to all conform to counting from 12/12 flip like recently and that makes an eight week strain into a ten week strain. Coincidentally after a four week veg period thats what i allow from 12/12 flip to harvest on my eight week strains, thats ten weeks in total 12/12 to harvest.

Hitting any breeders recomended flower time is hard in my opinion plus i like it reasonably done at snip time. Each to their own but most growers document their flip and flower time so kind of give you both ways, good to see how long it took for each grower from flip to first flowers too.... :-)
I get all that it's just all these sites showing week by week are wrong if they are showing 8 weeks the first week should say pilstils start to form second week pilstils start filling out all over plant and so on
I get all that it's just all these sites showing week by week are wrong if they are showing 8 weeks the first week should say pilstils start to form second week pilstils start filling out all over plant and so on
Its 12/12 photo period is when you start flower. A lot of times growers have to run longer then 8 weeks. Most likely your going to run a little more then 63 days (9 weeks).
Its 12/12 photo period is when you start flower. A lot of times growers have to run longer then 8 weeks. Most likely your going to run a little more then 63 days (9 weeks).
Yeah I wouldn't count on their times anyway obviously it depends on strain and condition of plant and if it's total darkness and the nutrients it's been given there's too many variables unless the have grown the same plant a few times anyway this is a bit off topic does anyone know how much heat dehumidifiers make I was looking at getting one that is 225w and can remove 16 liter a day
Hey dude,

A good rule of thumb and one I always follow is 3-4 weeks veg, and once you flip to 12/12 that is week 1 of flowering.

There are some silly answers in here, so follow this as rule of thumb.

If going 12/12 from seed and wanting to finish in 8 weeks total then You'll want an autoflowering species as these finish up faster.
So I know you shouldn't count from start of 12/12 and you should wait for the pilstils to start showing but from what I've seen online they go against this

This is from one of the sites I have seen say this you will notice it sounds like they are counting from 12/12 but then how could it be finished in 8 weeks

Flowering Week by Week

Within three or four days of initiation to a daily dark period of 10-11 hours, cannabis changes its growth pattern from vegetative to flowering. After that it is on a course that ends with bud ripening. Most modern plants take 7-9 weeks, although some sativa strains take longer.

Week 1: The plant slows down its growth

Week 2: The first flowers appear at the nodes

Week 3: Vegetative growth continues as the plant grows a total of between 25-50% larger than when flowering started.

Week 4: Vegetative growth has ended and the plants concentrate more of their energy into flowering. Odor becomes more noticeable as the plants start to produce capitate trichomes.

Week 5: Flower growth proliferates quickly. The flowers become thicker in areas where they have previously grown and they appear in new places along the top of the branch. The odor increases as more trichomes are noticeable and the odor intensifies a little.

trichomes on flowering cannabis
Trichomes…so cute.
Week 6: Flower growth continues in varieties that take longer to mature. It slows and then stops in seven-week varieties as the plants begin to ripen. The calyx behind the stigmas begins to swell. The odors of the seven-week varieties intensify.

Week 7: The calyxes in the seven-week varieties swell to near bursting as THC is produced in the glands. At the end of the week they will be ready. The trichomes stand more erect and the caps swell with newly produced resin. At the end of the week the flowers reach the peak zone. The odor is intense and the glands, filled with resin, fluoresce. Growth stops in the eight-week varieties as the flowers start to mature.

Week 8: The flowers are ripe by the end of the week, and reach the peak zone in the last 72 hours. After that, they will start to deteriorate if they aren’t harvested.
I concur I'm not for sure if it starts from the first day you flipped a switch or until you see hair from when you count your days or weeks till Harvest me personally depends on density and trichome production and what is this with the 48 hours in darkness before cutting plant when growing Outdoors how are you supposed to have it in the dark for 48 hours if in ground so I don't believe in that theory of the 48 hours in darkness before harvesting plant