8plant aeroponic setup


Planted 4/15
I have 8 plants, unknown strain.
400w HPS bulb
Flora General Hydro nutrients
running 1-1-1, grow-micro-bloom, respectively (tsp/gal) right now.

On "1", it sprouted very yellow and discolored. I replaced it with another healthier looking sprout.
On "4", it was in place "7" but apparently was not receiving enough water due to it's roots not being developed yet so I switch them and am giving "7" water manually until it's roots hang low enough to receive it.

edit* Feel free to post anything you want.
also, check the picture names to differentiate the numbered plants.


Active Member
Sweet set up man. What are you growing in if you dont mind me asking? Are you talking wardrobe size? Something bigger?


Growing in my closet. Not too big.
I'm doing 2 weeks veg then Flower... which means I begin 12/12 on 4/29 or 30... depending on my mood.
Plant 3 died, lack of water and I didn't even know it wasn't getting any. 7 almost died from the lack of water but I adjusted the spray and switched 7 to the 3 spot and is now receiving plenty of water.
I have been upping the nutes slowly and am not up to full nutes yet but I am going to put quite a bit in tonight.
I want them to be ready for flower by the weekend.



So they are looking a lot better and bigger
Switched to bloom nutes and 12/12 light cycle. 1 still looks a bit small, we'll see how it turns out.
1- 2"
2- 3"
3- 4"
4- 4"
5- 4"
6- 5"
7- 5.5"