8x12 6 Ali hlg 550’s?


6 of the linked light, each covering 4x4 area. Can I beat this coverage and cost? (2k to my door)

Was originally looking at 2 hlg scorpions in a 5x10 print.. but figure more lights = better coverage and for $400 more can get 44sqft more coverage. Downside is their Ali lights and not a USA warranty, but everybody seems to be really happy with meiju lights.

thanks for your help!

6 of the linked light, each covering 4x4 area. Can I beat this coverage and cost? (2k to my door)

Was originally looking at 2 hlg scorpions in a 5x10 print.. but figure more lights = better coverage and for $400 more can get 44sqft more coverage. Downside is their Ali lights and not a USA warranty, but everybody seems to be really happy with meiju lights.

thanks for your help!

Have you checked what 12x 240 kits would cost you? Without shipping its less than half the price of a 480 kit.