9 or 12 plant scrog?


Hey guys, I plan on doing my first scrog with 1000w in a 4.5x4.5 tent. I'm growing kalichakra from mandala, and I was just wondering should I go with 9 plants in 5 gallon buckets or 12 plants in 3 gallon pots? I'll be vegging for a month from clone.

I've always had better luck with more plants, it seems the more plants I have the bigger my yield is so I'd rather go with 12 plants, but what do you guys think?

Also I just got done with my last grow and I had a couple plants in 5 gallon buckets and the roots didn't even fill it out all the way and the yield was the same as it was in 3 gallon pots.


Well-Known Member
9 plants will make a nice square under that 1000. 12 makes a rectangle. scroggin' takes some time. biger pots = bigger root zone


Well thats kinda why I want to go with more plants, so I wont have to veg as long, I know I can fill out the screen with one plant if I veg it long enough...

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
the less time you have to veg, the faster your turnaround for sure combining sea of green with screen tech.

the most useful tip i've learned about scrogging was right here, flip your gals when the screen is full. i started mine flowering before even thinking of finishing my screens last winter.


Active Member
the less time you have to veg, the faster your turnaround for sure combining sea of green with screen tech.

the most useful tip i've learned about scrogging was right here, flip your gals when the screen is full. i started mine flowering before even thinking of finishing my screens last winter.

I just started scrog and made the same mistake and did not veg into the screen long enough, how does it effect yields?

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
i don't have the experience to answer, but i bet it lowers them. you want to fill every square inch of your screens. i made the mistakes of flipping my plants (early) before building my screens, and then burning them the night i forgot to turn my fan on so i got a seriously small harvest out of roughly 20 plants still under 1 light SOG style. i'm trying to learn the finer points of SCROG myself to nip as many potential problems in the bud, pun intended, as possible myself.

most SCROG tutorials suck. the ones with pics make it hard to tell what's going on, and videos just skim past all of one's questions.

all i know is that training to a screen has to be 10x easier than raising and lowering a bunch of different strains every day in a sea of green style grow, just fill your screen with as little overlap as possible including pruning back if necessary and lollypop everything below it.

i remember trying to ask "how many square feet are needed per plant" years ago when i first learned of the tech and never got an answer, but there is none as it depends on both the strains you grow and how long you veg. you might get a higher yield with more plants not just because of the lower veg time, but also having much more soil and water for your screen to work with with plants that don't have to try as hard. i'm a firm believer in making plants happy. i thought the old school hippie co-worker that espoused that philosophy was a little wacko until i tasted his LEAF grown with home made compost. it had to at least have been a hybrid strain too because i liked his leaf better than all of that afghanicrap bud everyone else had in my old town. it wasn't a flavor strain, but it tasted super clean and fresh. $5 for a half full sandwich bag wasn't a bad deal either.