96 degrees Farenheit???

Will weed grow in 96 degree heat throughout the whole grow cycle? I've read all about the "ideal tempeture" but nothing about how much heat it can survive in. So considering all other parts of the grow are decent (lights,ferts,water,soil,strain) will the plant make it?

thank you that is all


Well-Known Member
That's a very high temp and some strains may not make it at all. Others would grow very slowly. Worth it to do some research on what would do best in that environment.


Active Member
Will weed grow in 96 degree heat throughout the whole grow cycle? I've read all about the "ideal tempeture" but nothing about how much heat it can survive in. So considering all other parts of the grow are decent (lights,ferts,water,soil,strain) will the plant make it?

thank you that is all
Let's think about this for a minute. When you stress a living thing, it tries to fight the stress.

THink about a time when you were out in the heat for a while. What happens if you don't drink enough water and you move around too much? You get dizzy. You get dehydrated and eventually, if you stay in the heat too long, you will fall over. Even die.

Your heart beats faster, your digestion shuts down, and your electrolytes get out of balance.

Plants are much the same way.

Their plant bodies will start to freak out if they're in the heat. They'll try to compensate by using up more water, which means you need to give them more water. But then that will throw off their nute balance, so you'll need to add more nutes or you'll need to use less. Depends on how the plants react. Sometimes they shut down because they're trying to stop the stress.

You see where this is going? Growing your plants in high heat is going to make your life a whole heck of a lot more difficult. And no one wants that.

Get your plants out of the hot hot heat. No matter what you do to them, they're going to have troubles.

It's not worth your time or your effort to fight something you could easily control by bringing the plants inside.



Active Member
my grow box almost never goes below 85 and my 19 days from seed indica dominant bagseed is a monster

heres a pic(under 201 watts of cfl)snapshot(5).jpg and today it was a scorcher and temps in my box didnt go below 100, it was 110+ for about 4 hours before i got up and turn on the fans.

side note: my sativa dominant plant was destroyed due to heat so i guess it depends on strain to determine how much heat it can take.


Active Member
I'm growing in similar temps. in my greenhouse-- sometimes hotter at midday. I put a fan out there also, and so far they've been doing great. In fact some of the experts here have told me it can make them grow faster-- and it seems to be the case with mine. As long as the root system stays moist and doesn't become dry, I think you'd be okay. Of course, I'm growing outdoors using the sun, so it may not be applicable to an indoor grow.