9th week in

Do they look okay at 9 weeks now today, Would it be okay to cut of those big shading leafs so my buds get better light!! Reason I ask during the weeks I have cut of a few leafs someone told me cut the shading leafs to get better bud!! is this true? I am now curious will it damage my plants now i am far into buds?plnt2.jpgplt1.jpg



Well-Known Member
You can take a few off but I would just tuck them out of the way. It is never a good idea to strip leaves from healthy plants, the leaves are what drive the bud growth, the leaves are the motors that run your plant.



New Member
I used to trim to expose bud sites til I noticed shaded buds were fine and nice as long as the plant is thriving n doing well20130204_123353.jpg20130204_123336.jpg20130204_123505.jpgthese were buds under the canopy