____Update On My Clones_____


Active Member
So far so good from what I can see... New growth doing good from both clones, I am still misting them about 3 to 6 times a day and here and there I throw them into the humidity dome...

Now I was told to cut off the bottom leaves completely so that the clone focus's on roots not the leaves... Is that true... If so should I cut the bottom set of leaves off... One of my clones already has this done to it from the start...

Let me know ASAP, here are some pictures of them also as an update... :leaf:

Pic 003.jpgPic 004.jpgPic 005.jpg
Well judging from the pictures above do ya think they are ok or have rooted...? I cant get anymore seeds, I cant even order seeds online where I am at... I am stuck if these dont take root...
I just need to get ahold of some seeds, it took me over a year to get 1 seed...

Can anyone help me out...?
I would have cut those leaves off in the last pics in the beginning they do look like there a little droopy i would say cut it if you want to just be careful to not move the stalk much as that could damage your little baby roots that have formed. But other then that just keep them moist all the time.
Sounds good to me my friend, thank you for your input... I will keep them moist and think about cutting the leaves off after you saying it might hurt there roots if I disturb the stalk... I dont want that happening after everything I have been through...
The leaves :leaf: on the 2nd Clone are turning more an more lightish green and yellowish on the bottom set of leaves... :shock:

Is that ok...? :confused:
What do I do...?
:leaf: So I got interested in seeing if one of the clone have rooted... I got daring and descided to go for it and see if 1 rooted so I dug up the soil a bit and found new "Bright White" roots... I dug up the one clone in the Miracle Grow, so since I have already gone this far as to dig down to see if there were roots I also descided to just transplant her into the Organic Soil Mix and so I did... She had a great root structure and I lots of them, not to big tho... Only about 1inch roots and lots of little ones shooting every where :)

I am so happy to see that there is a root structure and that the clones have potential to live, now it is up to me to keep them alive this time and not screw things up... :leaf:

Any suggestions would help... Thank you, everyone so far for your input :)