A better way to dose during these times?


I don't wanna be the skunk at the picnic, but these are crazy times and the COVID19 has us all (or nearly all) more conscious of what's important. So maybe this is worth thinking about for a few moments. I've been self medicating since I was 12 and I'm in my 60's now. Being in a higher risk age group makes me consider how I medicate a bit different. Combustibles are no doubt, toughest on the lungs. So I'm doing much smaller hits - micro hits, maybe - way, way short of lung burn. Vapes are maybe better but not much say the medical experts. And edibles. Edibles are best. They don't negatively affect the lungs at all. They are definitely not my first choice, but I'm willing to compromise for lowering risks and living a long and happy stoner life.
Enjoy life to the fullest and be safe.