A Cannabis Commonwealth

Coco Kolas


Cannabis has been a passion of mine my entire adult life. Everything from the hairs to the crystals to the scent and taste brings me joy. Every harvest is a milestone in my life and a celebration of everything marijuana has provided for me. A few years ago I took the bait of signing up for my medical marijuana card, along with caregiving for all the disabled vets I smoked with for years at the pool hall on Monday nights.

It started out with great promise, a chance to come back from exile. A chance to be seen as a professional and not a drug dealer. We could work with the government instead of against them and we could all profit from it. People could use marijuana and not pills. The market could regulate itself and the growers with the cleanest and most potent bud dominated a market of many varieties and growers.

Then they went in for the kill. After being drawn out into the open by registering our grows the state neutralized us. They made our markets illegal, made it near impossible to acquire clones and seed, and began pillaging established brokers; making a king's ransom in "drug money". Drug money they will use to terrorize more families, throw more flash bangs in cribs, remove more fathers from the home and the earth, and most importantly: send more kids off to child rape "foster care" rings.

How do you sick bastards that support this sleep at night? Turn the market over to the rich and liquidate their competitors. You growers that rejoice every time a bigger grower than you gets busted are just as sick as the corrupt government. Its like watching cannibals eat your fat uncle instead of you and being happy they threw you one of his bones to gnaw on.

The meat grinder is at full boar now, grinding up families and spitting out bloody dollars for the officers to catch out of the air. Its getting harder to keep ahead of the teeth with my degraded health and old joints. I bet you crooked assholes loved it when you shot William Reddie as you stole his children from him on a pretense. Wonder who bought lunch when the judge said it was justified.

We need to stand together as a community and not be divided as competitors. Growers need to start helping growers and I'm not talking just exchanging tips on forums. I mean physically lending a hand to the growers you know. I've reached out to many local growers as of late. Strengthening bonds and growing a commonwealth by exchanging labor and resources. Banding together also makes it much easier to stand together politically and defend the victims of this drug war. Not everyone in the government is corrupt, some have morals and support our cause. We need to seek these men and women out and support their campaigns.

What you have sitting around might just help the next guy and he may be willing barter. The amount of hobby growers I know spending 90$ at the growstore every time a bulb burns out is alarming. You can get 3 to 4 at that price online and supply ever grower you know with half price bulbs while still making a profit. Profit you could take in form of bulbs for yourself. Everyone wins because you reached out, and this can be done with most grow supplies.

And with that, my 4:20am joint has wore off. Off to rest for the days to come.
Well its early morning and I've been up all night on sativas and lunacy. The gears started turning with my 4:20am worship. I sit here wondering how I can expand the commonwealth and help people get access to medical marijuana. There are a lot of patients out there that are buying from illegal markets because they feel growing is a hassle and a lot of counties have shut down or kept out medical markets where they can have safe and legal access. I want to get people growing so they can avoid markets altogether with the hopes of funding my garden with the proceeds. The way to do this is offer them affordable and hassle free growing. I aim to make it growing easy enough for the disabled to enjoy.

This is rough idea of a commonwealth supply service. I am in no way offering this service to the RIU community and please let me know if I am overstepping any boundaries. It is meant for my local community.

I thought about doing a subscriptions or membership service to help cover delivery and maintenance cost. Most deliveries will be local so I could probably get away with working a small service fee into prices. My goal is to source products in bulk and deliver them to the commonwealth supporter cheaper than they would pay retail and ready to use. These are the products and services I would offer:

Mothers. If I could get away with it legally, I would give members free clones that they could take cuttings off from immediately to start their own grow or boost an existing one. I would offer them a hand built cloner at a discount in hopes of scoring a sale to cover the cost. But no big deal if it doesn't, its a 5$ loss to help grow a commonwealth and I am legal for 28 more plants than I use to maintain my patients.

Curing jars. Half gallon jars with humidipaks for curing with. A simple guide to slow and speed curing can come with a case of jars. The humipaks can be adjusted to the grower's preference.

Curing trays. A simple wooden frame with a screen inside to elevate buds off a hard surface as the grower airs the buds out momentarily. I am a pretty crafty carpenter might even offer them a slot with detail trimming scissors and examination tools for manicuring and doing final inspections.

Harvest Kits. All the tools a grower needs to harvest. Trim scissors, small and large clippers (for branches), string and eye hooks (to hang bud), and anything else I can think to be useful. Comes with a short guide on harvesting and drying buds to help beginners out.

Root Brew. I have been brewing my own bennies for a while and 3.5 and 5 gal buckets with lids are easily accessible from the business and restaurant district at little to no cost. I have stacks. I can deliver growers the root brew I personally use, along with a list of bennies, ready to give to the plants. Its used at the first two weeks of veg and bud so they would only need to purchase it twice a harvest instead of buying an expensive bottle(s) of root enhancer and have them sitting around.

Sick Plant Helper. A premixed bucket of the best comeback formulas I have found. Helps with transplant shock and nutrient related sicknesses.

Veg/Bud Feed. A bucket with a mix of my favorite organic plant foods that can be given directly to plants. Customized to the plants age and grow stage and the grower does no measuring or stirring. Sweeteners added for late bud.

Flushing Agent. A large bucket of a plant flushing solution the removes nutrients from soil\coco. Used at the end of bud so a grow medium can be reused while giving the grower a more pure end product.

Rolling Kit. A joint and blunt roller in a stash box with grinder and a supply of rolling papers and blunt wraps. Helps those new to smoking cannabis get better rolls and smoke sessions.

Bulbs. 1000w bulbs can be sourced for 18$ apiece, delivered locally for 40$ would be a fair profit and the grower would save 20-70$ off the local retail market. Smaller watt bulbs would have to be sold in pairs to make deliveries reasonable.

Ready to Grow Pots. .5 - 5 gallon grow pots with a layer of rock for drainage and packed with coco. The grower only needs to transplant a cutting into it to get growing. Refill dirt would also be available. This is the one product that may not be available below retail because of the work and weight involved. Transplanting plants and refilling pots can be done for a small fee to help disabled growers.

Harvesting Services. Hourly bud trimming service. Bud is processed to the growers liking they only need to worry about drying and curing it. Minimum bathroom breaks. I prefer a tight trim but everyone is different and a grower should never risk letting their amateur friends trim for them. My god the bud mutilation I have seen. Great to offer growers with arthritis and other hand function problems.

Bud/Veg/Mother Boxes. Prebuilt wood grow boxes with reflective lining for keeping a personal med garden. Cheap to produce, lockable to stay legal, and I can partially build them and assemble them at a desired locastion. Each comes with simple guides for maintaining the plants inside.

That's what I got so far. Its a rough sketch and a far shot but I think its something my community and I can profit from. My 4:20 am joint has wore off and I must set out to meet the day. Stay alive Michigan.