a CFL excercise, Lumens per Dollar


Well-Known Member
i have been reading alot about using CFL's for growing and how cheap(er) it is to use CFL's but you need more (and closer) to the plant to use those lumens.

If the assumption is that more lumens is better for growing and you want to stay cheap, you want to get bulbs where you get the most lumens per dollar spent. I went to 1000bulbs.com and went through their site to find the best bulbs for vegging (6500k) and flowering (2700K). All I want to prove is getting the most lumens for the least amount of money. This allows you to get many more bulbs for less loot. Got it. This is what I found.....

One more thing, money is also spent on electricity so I look at the wattage. It may be much more beneficial to get 6x23w than it is to get 1x150w (in terms of lumens produced).

My findings (in short)
the breakout is Wattage, Lumens, price, Lumens/dollar, veg or flower


Some notes on this.
1. If someone can post how to capture a screenshot on a MacBook, I will post the whole spreadsheet with all the breakdowns
2. 92w is really a 4x23 pack
3. 156w is really a 6x26 pack
4. 108w is really a 4x27w pack

So if you are all thingink which is best for use, when it comes to biggest bang for buck, seems like the 23w and 27w CFL's give out alot and you spend less.

I am not dissing the other CFL's as they pump out some good stuff (or maybe you do not want a litter of bulbs). Mix and match but now you know just a tad more (I hope).

Hope this was helpful. I has been for me.
