A cool thing I am doing.


Well-Known Member
I have three amendments I am going to do a documentative thread on.

First, I have Wiggle Worm - Worm Castings (I've only ever purchased one bag of worm castings, and this is it, and I'm still using it up, but have decided on another brand of Worm Castings to use from here, as well as my own.) I will be amending one plant with a nice layer of worm castings.

Second, I have some Compost that I picked up from a friend who was moving off his small farm land, really healthy moist stuff, and it's been cooking in my worm composter, I went and dug around in there and mixed it up, lots and lots of worms, and I took a good amount to use as top dressings for most like two plants.

Third, I have my homemade compost, which was in the first tower of the worm bin. No worms in that tower, cause I have not been putting food for the worms in that bin cause its been full and cooking for a few months. So I did the same, mixed that up some, and took a good amount. It is very moist as well, but for sure a different consistency than what I picked up from my friend.

Now here is what I am going to do with these three amendments.

I have one girl in her final weeks of flowering, and I have not fed for two weeks, I decided tonight to top dress with some worm castings (some that I know whats in them by what the bag says on it, which would be the wiggle worm castings) and soil drench with a bloom booster. So I am excited to see how she responds, cause these castings have Ca and Mg, which I've been wanting to get into her since I stopped feeding, and this seems like an ok way to do it this late into flower.

I also have four girls who are now setting some flower sites in, and I have made a post about them that relates to their consistent chase with Mg. So I am hoping that one or both of the composts I have, the stuff I got from my friend, and also my homemade compost, are super nutrient dense, and will organically boost their development.

Since two of the girls are topped, and two are not, I think what would be a good way to do this is, do one of each the topped and un-topped girls for each type of compost. This way, I will see how the girls respond. Either that or do each girl differently. Example, give one girl a top dressing of the compost I got from my friend, give one girl a top dressing of the compost I made myself, give one girl a top dressing of the two composts mixed, and leave one girl alone, as a control?

Many choices, but I know for sure that the Skunk #1 girl who is near conclusion of flower is getting top dressed with the wiggle worm castings cause I know what is in those and available to the plant.

Any suggestions?

Here is what I did. It was a lot of fun!

Skunk #1 got her top layer of coco soil stripped and amended with a healthy layer of worm castings, and then I put the coco soil back on top, and watered in the Bloom Feed mix at around 6.4pH
photo 4(5).JPG This is the pH of the runoff after, and I could not be happier about how close it is to being right at 6.4

Then it was time to work with the worms, and there were lots of them in the two different composts that I pulled out of the composter, I made sure to put them all back into the composter, as I felt that's where they might be most happy.

First, I topped off one of the Silver Afghani Girls containers with my homemade compost,photo 4(6).JPG a solid 2 inch layer or so, it is now the topmost layer of her medium. (Am I supposed to re-cover it with some more coco soil or do I leave the top layer to be just compost?)
photo 1(5).JPG This is her from a front angled view.
photo 2(7).JPGThis is her from a top view.

Second, I topped off one of her sisters with the compost I had picked up from my friend, photo 3(7).JPG this stuff had more worms than mine, partially cause it had more food when I picked it up from him, and I had stopped adding stuff to my homemade compost cause the tray was full and all the worms moved up to the second tray so I filled it with the stuff I got from him. The are a lot of worms in it right now, and I could see and feel all the fresh castings, I made sure to sift out any larger pieces of matter and put them back into the composter with the worms.

photo 3(6).JPG This is her from a front angled view.

photo 5(6).JPG This is another view.

Third, I mixed the two composts, my homemade stuff and the stuff I picked up from my friend, and topped off their smallest sister, with a good 2-3 inches. I also did not take pictures of her while she was out of tent, so no photos of her top dressing.

Fourth, I left the biggest Silver Afghani Sister as is, for now at least, photo 4(7).JPG just to see how her sisters respond to the new additional nourishment (hopefully the compost(s) will add nourishment)

Then I mixed a Early Flowering Batch of Food and pH'd to this photo 5(7).JPG, which I thought was around 6.4 when I took the picture, but after putting it side by side with the other picture I have of the 6.4pH run off water from my Skunk #1 plant, I am more inclined to say that this is really somewhere near 5.8, I can only hope the soil and compost buffers it and that the girls are ok.
I would add all the stuff ya putting in your soil mix togeather and let it cook for 7/14 days just to let the soil additives get combined [cooked]

Ya no farm yard crap to add not just shyt ya want the stuff from the yard it contains urine,

When i did soil i only ever used a organic based soil once but only got 6/7 oz per plant half what i get from liquids,so i ditched the organic feed for liquids canna advanced nute.

I did plenty of taste test,i was giveing half my crop back then to a cancer patient he recieved the organic bud but he was the only one that said he noticed a slight differance in taste but not enuf to bend my arm to go full out organic.

i gave 10 q's to friend a 8th of each not telling them the organic one apart from the liquid feed ones not one of the them apart from one got the organic taste neither did i so i come to the thinking of just make a 8 week strain into a 9 or most of mine 9 week into 10 the extra week just means i flush for a week extra so 12/14 day.

There is far more going for organic fed plants than liquid feed but i would only ever use organic if im doing outdoors like this year i have 3 plots 1 breeding greenhouse one outdoor regular grow with large plants,but there getting harder to get at someone has bought the land at the back of it so i can only hope that the are not noticed.

The others are in my garden in there own cold frames 5ft high x 5 ft wide 5 ft deep these are been fed on canna and clay balls in auto pots in a polli tunnel,

I do like t though hessium sack full of all the goodness soaking in a large tub just give it a shake every so often and the plants love the stuff,i would still cook it under tarp first though or settle time
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I would add all the stuff ya putting in your soil mix togeather and let it cook for 7/14 days just to let the soil additives get combined [cooked]

Yes, this is very true. I will for sure be doing this as I build my soil for upcoming grows.

For right now, and since all of these girls are into flowering, and one is near being done with flowering, I felt that top dressing would at least get some extra nourishment in there, and being that I'm not able to dig up the plants right now and mix the soil and re-plant them, I felt top dressing would be the best choice.

So, will my top dressings allow for any nourishment to leech down into the medium as I water like I had hoped?


Yes, this is very true. I will for sure be doing this as I build my soil for upcoming grows.

For right now, and since all of these girls are into flowering, and one is near being done with flowering, I felt that top dressing would at least get some extra nourishment in there, and being that I'm not able to dig up the plants right now and mix the soil and re-plant them, I felt top dressing would be the best choice.

So, will my top dressings allow for any nourishment to leech down into the medium as I water like I had hoped?


be fine just a top dressing try t rather than just the bare materiels
Thanks man, can you clarify what you meant by "try t rather than just the bare materiels"?

add all the organic stuff feed into a hessium sack or a pillow case works has well but one that has not been washed and just soak in water leave for 48 hour then feed them the liquid.

Keep giveing it a good skake a couple of times a day,take a photo of the first feed ya need to see the coulour onece it goes lighter in coulour then time for a new batch
add all the organic stuff feed into a hessium sack or a pillow case works has well but one that has not been washed and just soak in water leave for 48 hour then feed them the liquid.

Keep giveing it a good skake a couple of times a day,take a photo of the first feed ya need to see the coulour onece it goes lighter in coulour then time for a new batch
Oh, T = Tea. Got it, yes, that's where it is at for sure.

Thanks man, so I can just scoop a bunch of the compost stuff into a sack, let it soak 48 hours, and I have home extracted compost tea?