A cool tip for all CLONERS!!!


Well-Known Member
This is something I came up with the other day....

Do you ever get anxious and want to know if you fresh cuttings have taken root yet? I know I have.

I use 1 inch rockwool cubes, and when I take cuttings I place them into the cubes deep enough so that the stem pierces into the rockwool a little ( you know how there is that pre-manufacterd hole there, well I go in a little deeper so it grabs onto some flesh).

Anyways, after 3-5 days I want to know if the clones have rooted yet, but can't see thru the rockwool. This is what I have figured out.

After that 3-5 days it has had to grow some roots, moisten the cube a little so it has a little more weight, grab the cutting by the main stem and pull up.

If the cutting can lift up the cube, you know its gotten some root structure in the cube. If the cutting starts to pull out, don't pull any more!! Push it back down and let it be.

Well, thats my tip, wet the cube and pull up and the clone too see if it lifts the cube. This is my new indicater for me to see if they are rooting. Hope some of you use this tip. Let me know if it works for ya.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
This is something I came up with the other day....

Do you ever get anxious and want to know if you fresh cuttings have taken root yet? I know I have.

I use 1 inch rockwool cubes, and when I take cuttings I place them into the cubes deep enough so that the stem pierces into the rockwool a little ( you know how there is that pre-manufacterd hole there, well I go in a little deeper so it grabs onto some flesh).

Anyways, after 3-5 days I want to know if the clones have rooted yet, but can't see thru the rockwool. This is what I have figured out.

After that 3-5 days it has had to grow some roots, moisten the cube a little so it has a little more weight, grab the cutting by the main stem and pull up.

If the cutting can lift up the cube, you know its gotten some root structure in the cube. If the cutting starts to pull out, don't pull any more!! Push it back down and let it be.

Well, thats my tip, wet the cube and pull up and the clone too see if it lifts the cube. This is my new indicater for me to see if they are rooting. Hope some of you use this tip. Let me know if it works for ya.
i after 3 to 5 days peel half the cube abart. 9 time out of ten the root have just started so i just leave it be.as the roots grow it seperates the cube so i can easly remove that half when come time to transplant. have that half of the cube gone really lets those roots flat take off with no resrtiction.:hump: you get a good root mass a bit fast i think this way


New Member
if you don't smash the cube up, removing air pockets, by peeling it apart it really doesn't need to have the cube removed.


Well-Known Member
I grow in dirt, so I use rapid rooters. Pretty much the same process as rockwool. I cut my rapid rooter down the middle where the pre-manufactured hole is. After about 3-5 days, I can open up along where I cut to see if the roots have started. It is also good to use when first placing the cutting in the plug so the root hormones don't get rubbed off. I've never used rock wool cubes, so I have no idea how easy they are to cut or even open up.