A couple of questions about growing and allocating duties


I have a few general questions about growing, I am thinking of going in with a partner, but we are discussing how to divide labor. I would really appreciate any answers here, even if they are just estimates. I have the investment and my partner is a good grower, I am just trying to get a few benchmarks in regards to the process. Again, any feedback is REALLY appreciated.

If we were to have an indoor hydroponic setup, with two tents, a 4x8 and a 5x5...

1) Which job would be more labor intensive; all harvesting duties or all watering duties?

2) How long would it take for an average grower to harvest 1 lb? How about 2 lbs?

3) In regards to harvesting, there are the duties of stripping the plant (of fan leaves), cutting down, and trimming. What are the percentages of each in terms of total amount of the harvesting job?


I think they would be close to even. If you consider all the time to Ph and measure out nutrients and then water all your pots. The actual trimming will take less time, depending on how much. I can trim a Lb by myself in about 6-8 hours. The actual manicuring of the buds will take the longest out of any part. Its super tedious work. I think they take more of your time, depending on how long you veg and how long the strain flowers for.


I think they would be close to even. If you consider all the time to Ph and measure out nutrients and then water all your pots. The actual trimming will take less time, depending on how much. I can trim a Lb by myself in about 6-8 hours. The actual manicuring of the buds will take the longest out of any part. Its super tedious work. I think they take more of your time, depending on how long you veg and how long the strain flowers for.
Thanks for the info man.

Question from a beginner: What is the difference between trimming and manicuring? I though trimming and manicuring was the process of removing all the excess leaves / stems / etc from the bud so it looks like a beautiful round bulb ;-)

Also, how long would you say cutting down 1lb would take? As In cutting it down into branches that are ready to be trimmed?

All this information is very helpful to me. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I would say also it all depends on ur amount of experience too although actually caring and watering the plants is easier than harvesting IMO it also depends how experienced u r if u've never grown in soil let alone used a hydro setup it will be difficult for u to truly gauge what is happening with ur plants if there may be any issues especially with a hydro setup for a new grower there is no buffer any miscalculations can cause issues. If ur not a new grower than don't listen to me, otherwise it would be easiest for u to start off with harvesting and trimming it up, kinda hard to screw up cutting off leaves, Lol, well unless ur me and u still wanted it on the plants cause ITS STILL GROWING:wall:


I consider trimming as getting buds ready to dry, picking off fan leaves and getting the big stuff off. Manicuring is after the dry, snipping of all the little pieces of leaf of the bud, it is really time consuming. It could take anywhere from 10-20 mins to chop down a whole plant. Its just chopping the stems off and putting them into whatever you're trimming with.