A couple of questions about Molasses and Scotts Soil...


Well-Known Member
Alright so I tried to grow with Scotts Moisture Control soil (cant remember the exact name, but it was a continuous feed with the little fertilizer balls in it). My first little plants burned so bad so early I just said the hell with em and started over. This time, I sifted out all (or most) of the little fert balls, hoping my plants wouldnt burn. Now they are basically in just plain soil with the perlite that comes in the soil already. Since I am not feeding the plants and nutes (just water), I started thinking about those fert balls. So....I busted about 5 of them into a bottle of water and mixed them up good, and was wondering if that would be too much to give my plants. I am actually thinking about diluting it with more water but am not sure. Just a thought I came across when I was stoned.

And then I started thinking about molasses. My plant is about 3.5 weeks old and 4 days into flowering and already is showing sex (female im pretty sure!). Could I go ahead and start giving it a little molasses until harvest? How much should I add to...say a gallon of water? I would assume I could jut add x amount to some hot water and mix it up really good and let it cool back down for a day or whatever..? If I do the molasses, should I do the fert balls too? Or jut one or the other?

Thanks for any answers...I dont forget about dishing out rep