A Couple of Questions


Active Member
Ok so tried my hand at hydro and couldnt get fuck all to even sprout-done everything by the book,the only thing I didnt have is a heated propagator.Wont say how many seeds I wasted,but it was a couple,and the one that sprouted is one sorry looking mo-fo lol,the sorriest excuse for a plant ever!However,its still going,even though its about 5cm tall and two weeks old.Here it is2013-12-06 17.17.25.jpgI want to keep it going because thats a little fighter right there,I was wondering why it was going yellow and after two days went to change the water and it turned out the pump wasnt working!Its been drowned but its still alive!;-(
So,my two questions-does anyone know why I cant get seeds to sprout when using rockwool?Also,I have Ionic grow and bloom-can these be used in soil grows too?
Thanks for reading,and any replies!Peace;-)

Jus Naturale

Active Member
Not sure about your nute question, but a quick and easy way to sprout seeds is to put plain old water (distilled, RO, good tap water even) in a shot glass, and drop the seed(s) in. They'll float. Put the shot glass(es) in a dark place, like in a cabinet or closet, and in about 12 to 24 hours, check on them. Sort of poke down the any that are still floating, and they should sink to the bottom. Put the shot glass(es) back in the dark place for another 12-48 hours. After that, they should have little tails sticking out. Those are the taproots. Gently place each seed in the growing medium. After that, keep the medium moist with your plain old water, and somewhere around 75-85 degrees F. Really, it's simpler than this seemingly large block of text makes it appear, and I've had great success with it.



Well-Known Member
A couple of things:

Hydro has nothing to do with germination. You have to germinate no matter what grow technique you use. Rockwool is great for germinating seeds for hydro because once a seed sprouts you don't have to handle the seed/taproot. Here's my technique: Soak the cube in plain water for about 30 minutes and shake out the excess water. On one side of the cube there's already a little hole. Use a toothpick or chopstick end to open that hole up just a little, but don't make the hole any deeper. You want the seed about 1/4 inch down. Drop in the seed and pinch the rock wool gently above it. I then place the cube in a tupperware container and put on the lid, then place it in the closet. If the temp is about 70 degrees it usually takes 4-5 days for the sprout to poke above the soil. If I'm germinating at 80 degrees, it takes about 2-3 days.

I then leave the seedling under a gentle CFL for a few days, until the root pokes through the bottom of the cube, and then put in the hydroton.

You plant actually looks pretty well formed, just tiny. What lights are you using?


Active Member
First of all,thanks for taking the time to reply guys,its much appreciated.
Im using a 250w cfl.I should have said,I do germinate the seeds first,its just when I put them in the rockwool they dont sprout!?Could checking on them too much cause them to not sprout,or the hole in the rockwool being too wide?
I just cant get my head round being unable to grow in rockwool;-(lol
I should also say,that photo was before I drowned it :'-( I really want to keep it going though,the more I learn the more I realise how strong that little dudette is lol