a couple questions


Active Member
My first question is what should i be feeding or using on my plants? Theyve been outdoors for a month and a half and transplanted in the ground about a week ago using fox farm soil. Im pretty sure the nutrients from the soil will be running out pretty soon. So what products should i be using when watering them? Note they are all about two feet tall and are very healthy a strong looking plants.

My second question is when do i start cropping them? Im trying to get the most out of my plants since this is my first time and im trying to get the money together to do a huge 100-200 plant outdoor grow next seaon and this seasons profits will dictate exactly gow big of a grow ill be able to do next year.

Thanks in advance!!


Well-Known Member
I dont feed my plants anything but water. You should throw some organic stuff in there like bat guano or chicken scat. Try mixing in some earthworm castings. Or you can make a tea with animal crap.
you always want to have a base nute witch one and adding additives is your prefrance. try to stay organic as much as possible outdoors but i would deffenitly add in a microorganism to help your roots flurish and to protect them. greatwhite, subculture M&B, piranha ect. are all ways to greatly speed up growth