a couple quick SOG questions


So I know a lot about growing because of a couple 500 pages books and a ton of posts off riu but nothing from experience. i just have a couple ?'s before i spend a lot of money.
1) I know the strain I pick should be mostly indica because of their genetics but i wanted suggestions of specific strains. any suggestions appreciated.
2) What would be the best size pot to plant in since they won't be getting huge in an sog setting?
3) How tall should i veg my plants before flowering them?
4) How many plants would fit comfortably in a 10sqft area 2ft x 5ft and what kind of yield could i expect from that space?
5) Same ? as 4 but 18sqft area 3ft x6ft
( 4ft width would make my room REALLY cramped so the traditional 4ft x4ft isn't for me and is why I'm trying to stretch the length out. )
all feedback is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
using square pots will help getting maximum density or go with a single pot for all plants the exact size of the space and you can pic your own planting density but until you actually start doing it its all speculation there is no one size fits all answer . do. do it again. dial it in.
ps ive seen people use old coke bottles and do a mini sog with success. good luck