A dedicated Refridgerator to dry marijuana, possible?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I've been doing some thinking. A fridge controls humidity and temp, much like an AC acts like a Dehumidifier right? So would it be possible to dial in a fridge to the proper temp, and slowwwwww dry your weed over the course of possibly weeks?

I ask this cuz no wjere in my grow is it cooler than 72 degrees and it usually is around 78 in the place where I dry. This in turn drys my weed in a matter of days, usually around 3...4 if I'm lucky.

I've always had decent smell and taste but never like, omg this shit is crazy and I'm thinking it's cuz of how fast my shit drys. If this fridge idea isn't possible, then any other ideas you guys can throw me on slow drying in any hotter place, I'm anyll ears...thanks in advance guys!