a Few Q's that wasnt asked in the FAQ's

Bud Smoker

Active Member
i started my first grow and i kno what im doin a lil bit ive been on here for the past month gettin info on how to grow.. i already planted last month and i havin a few problems my plant seems to have nutrient lack so i got some fish emulation 5-1-1- and i feed my plant to it but not knowin that i needed a ph tester first my mistake... my first question is that i got that fish emulation and the bone meal that has 12-0-0- can i mix them 2 since one is liquid and the other is not or just stick to the fish emulation ... and the other question is do i really need a ppm meter cuz im growin it outdoors so i keep readin about the ppm meter but i think its for hydro growin.. or is for outdoor growin...

and im growin outdoors kinda..

any xpericenced grower help would be appriciated


Active Member
I would suggest getting some nutrients with more P and K (I'm not an expert though) About the PPM meter... you don't really need one for outdoor/soil grows, those can be expensive. Just follow the directions on the nutrient bottle and u should be fine... just don't over do it.


Well-Known Member
Just start with the fish emulsion AT the prescribed dosage. It's hard to understand, but more is not better, and overdose will kill your plants. As the poster above mentioned, you are better off with fertilizer with more phosphorous and potassium. Fish emulsion and bone meal are meant to be either amendments to your soil or supplements to your normal nutrient regimen.

You do not need a PPM meter. If you are outdoors, if the ph of your tapwater is ok, you shouldn't really need a ph meter either. I've grown for years without one. Adding things to your soil like lime will help with that, as your ph will never get too far out of whack.


Well-Known Member
If you are going to get a digital pH meter, I'd suggest the Milwaukee tri meter. I got mine for $150. Doe the ppm and EC too. I don't need the ppm/ec, but if I want to go hydro, I'm already set.
(I check my ppm for grins anyways)