a few questions about seed orders to U.S.


ok. so with all of the orders from all different companies getting snagged daily . Im about to make an order and I was thinking how easy it would be to just dispute the purchase with your credit card company. if you do not get your merchandise they shouldn't get your hundreds of dollars. and are there no seed companies that are here in the states yet. with all of the American breeders it should be a lot easier to get a pack of beans . the strains that I want are from American breeders and it does not make sense for me to send my money to the uk and chance getting busted .
If your package is snagged by a Federal entity (namely the Postal Service and/or Customs), I doubt you'll have recourse with the credit card company, unless you feel like dragging in feds to your defense.

This isn't caused by a shipping error or a theft, and complaining to Visa and drawing this attention to yourself isn't advisable :)

Most all seed co.s will re ship if your shit gets seized.

Why fuck up them accepting credit cards for all of us?

It would just piss off the Seed Co. That had the money pulled from there account!

Then They say, fuck that no more credit cards and it hurts us all!!

Dont be a dick, if your that cheap buy some regs it comes with seeds for free!:blsmoke:
From The Netherlands to the UK I've never had a problem. Paying for the shipping track makes sense for both parties. If your shit gets seized, the bean seller can confirm that the pkg never made its last stop thus its then "fair" to re-ship again if they are so inclined.
ok. so with all of the orders from all different companies getting snagged daily . Im about to make an order and I was thinking how easy it would be to just dispute the purchase with your credit card company. if you do not get your merchandise they shouldn't get your hundreds of dollars. and are there no seed companies that are here in the states yet. with all of the American breeders it should be a lot easier to get a pack of beans . the strains that I want are from American breeders and it does not make sense for me to send my money to the uk and chance getting busted .

So what are the actual questions that you're asking?...
So what are the actual questions that you're asking?...

They want to know if it's cool to rip off a seed bank because customs snagged their order of an illegal item being sent to them through the federal postal service..
And also wants to know why american breeders don't simply break fedrral law by selling their illegal seeds directly although illegally inside of the us borders..
no shit dude... if your that much of a lazy ,cheap ass ,fred sanford want to be.. just order your shit and take precautions on your order instead of giving the U.S more of a shitty complex.. hell the government is fucking us in the same way.. stop being a barrack obama and just follow directions and stop being a dumb ass..illegal items are as stated ..there illegal to ship to usa. so your luck that even the few will send shit to us so be cool and stay in school...
just don't order $300+ worth of seed in one shot so your not crying the blues you could just get guaranteed shipping as well but really I'm about 9/9 with all my seed orders although the one I ordered from the most has some good stealth and my shit goes through NY not Chicago which seems to be pretty hot for seed snagging. I never use credit cards either cause cops can straight up look at your shit you read the fine print you'll see a mention of the patriot act fuck that shit unless of course your legal.
seriously ? this fucking forum is a joke. It was simply just a question about disputing purchases with your credit card company. Had no intentions of trying to rip someone off. on the note of ordering illegal items. The company assumes the same amount of risk sending illegal items so they should be able to eat atleast half of the cost in any situation where seeds do make it. (keeping in mind legal, or smart companies dont ship to usa) so in turn. since they are getting part of the slice of "illegal money" they should be able to cut some losses.

and the matter about the american breeders was meant more towards why are they not more readily available in med states. you can pick up sin city gear or rd in cali at shops so why not have them readily available in other med states so that people do not have to order bullshit from the uk. Wouldnt it be alot easier for some american companies to put seeds in these states. yea. Why put your money in a another countries pockets, our government is doing a good enough job of that.
Not trying to fuck anything up for anyone. if i wanted to do that. i would go work for customs in chicago and start taking all of your guys seeds and sending you smiley faces and fucked up humorous letters.
How are you going to dispute an illegal purchase that you know you made, which you know could potentially be seized by customs? That's all. As stated, there are plenty of reliable seedbanks that offer guaranteed or stealth shipping, and may be willing to reship.

The letters from Customs aren't typically humorous... they are very professional. Not very threatening either, though, odds are nobody is going to be watching you just because they caught contraband like cannabis seeds going to your address. If they really wanted you they would have set up a delivery and waiting until you actually took possession of it to arrest you.
last order for seeds i made out of United States has the IP address on the order/invoice. I bet other seed companies have the IP address too, but does not show up on the invoice.
the tude , and iv gotten atleast ten orders from them so its gota happen evrey once inawhile and i got the gaurantie so no worries
They want to know if it's cool to rip off a seed bank because customs snagged their order of an illegal item being sent to them through the federal postal service..
And also wants to know why american breeders don't simply break fedrral law by selling their illegal seeds directly although illegally inside of the us borders..

I was mostly just being a smartass because no where in that wall of text did I actually see a question mark.

To the OP, I don't really think you understand how ordering works. You assume the risk when ordering illegal items. If you order from a legit bank they will do their best to ensure that you get your product. There's no reason to contact the credit card company, as they held up their part of the bargain.