A few questions for acid, molly abusers?

I consider myself a heavy user I stopped using about a year and a half ago but I was dropping acid every weekend for a few months and snorting Chicago mints (supposed to be molly and ketamine or some shit). I started off using the E cause i had done it before but I tried acid and loved it so I switched but I was snorting about 9 pills over a friday and saturday night and crashing all sunday. When I switched I was dropping acid and railing a pill or two of the E and I did this every weekend for a few months. I lost hella weight but anyway now I have very low self esteem, depression, completely uninterested in anything including sex I haven't stopped doing it just not really appealing it seems like a chore. I dont enjoy anything (except pot) I dont want to talk to people. Sometimes people will talk to me and I will just stare blankly. I get very agitated very quickly. I cant concentrate on anything. I have not motivation to do anything. I work but thats It i dont do anything else. I kinda cut myself off from the world other than that. Ive been like this for about a year and a half. I know im not the same im the complete opposite. Is this due to my drug use?Are these after effects or am I suffering from something else?


Well-Known Member
It could of changed your brain chemistry or brain rewired. Easy answer is the world just isn't near as interesting as it is on the drugs.


New Member
Hey Grey , with all sincerity nobody here can give you a true answer not knowing your medical History and current health , Physically and Mentally .. I do have to say that alot of the damage done is due to the synthetics and god knows what added to this shit , not meaning the LSD . Most times not that is not poisoned like the other designer drugs .. I hope you are able and willing to find a professional to help answer your questions and ease your mind and soul ..


Well-Known Member
I used MDMA for about 6 months, maybe two or three times each month, the only thing I experienced was the loss of the magic as they say, the feeling of euphoria. It eventually just stopped working..

It sounds like you did a lot more than I did, 9 pills over a weekend is quite a bit. I'm not a doctor so I can't really tell you anything for sure, but I've read research papers about artificial increases in serotonin leading to the things you listed, loss of interest in things, depression, etc.

Check out this resource, go through some of the reports for MDMA, you'll probably have better luck identifying the issue;




Well-Known Member
I believe it has to do with draining all that seratonin (the molly). I never used E very much, but have used psychedelics pretty regularly, and I think it has made it harder for me to interact with most people.


Active Member
I honestly don't think you were addicted.. Sounds like you just partied every weekend. The thizz heads I hung out with would pop about 8 a day, intill there brain gave out and completely became a cripple. When I thizzed, I fucked ALOT of women, when I shook that shit and settled down, sex was never the same, still is not. You have two options here, 1) find something worth living for (read the sig) perhaps a girl, or... Video games... Finding friends who don't have drug problems, family ect. Become active in some type of meeting, bowling, golfing, fishing, all of these things I wish I would have found, but as we all know drugs are easier... 2) go back to you're old habits, I'm positive you liked all that good stuff, and you felt good about yourself on them, snort the Molley and drop the acid intill you die.... I had a kid, which changed my life. We all have our stories, we all have our own preferences... PM me if you wanna talk more man. I've lost too many good people to the crank and H-dogg... Don't want that to be you


Staff member
yeah when i used it wasnt just weekends, however you should probably take abreak if not stop completely i gotta be completely honest in thinking i am a tad fucked in th ehead now....and lost a few iq points


Active Member
You fucked your dopamine/seratonin(?) receptors in the anal cavity. My mom has been a psychologist since forever ive heard her lectures about xtc pills dozens of times just never paid attention ha I know x can put holes in your brain, an old friend of mine started taking xtc every weekend and ended up getting cheerio sized holes in his brain, or so he said. xtc is a hard ass drug on your brain you waaay overdid it


Active Member
I was once enticed to pop 15 over the course of 36 hours. When I finally decided to try and chill I laid down to sleep, and could literally feel electrical pulses in my brain. I was to scared to sleep for fear I would go into a seizure. I stayed awake for 5 days, until this feeling finally subsided. I then stopped for 4 years. It took almost a year for my natural brain chemistry to return to normal. I was like you for three months very withdrawn. Everything in moderation my friend, and I dont believe acid has any long term mental effects honestly. Give it time and if maybe you feel its too much go to a shrink.Also it possibly wasnt the E only. Most people use drugs because they are already depressed. And by most I mean all.


Well-Known Member
That's a broad generalization. I didn't use drugs because I was depressed. If I was depressed I'd usually avoid them as they tend to amplify it.


Active Member
We all use drugs because reality is not enough for whatever reason. Whether that be boredom or relationship problems. We want to escape the reality we live in everyday. It may not be the depression as severe as OMG I want to die, but it is to relieve tension. Everyone is depressed thats the nature of being in a physical existence. Some deal with it differently and more effectively, I also believe you can be addicted to anything. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escapism Escapism is mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation, as an "escape" from the perceived unpleasant or banal aspects of daily life. It can also be used as a term to define the actions people take to help relieve persisting feelings of depression or general sadness.


Active Member
I'm mostly 100% positive you don't have a clue what you're talking about
Mental disorders LSD may trigger panic attacks or feelings of extreme anxiety, colloquially referred to as a "bad trip". No real prolonged effects have been proven, however people with such conditions as schizophrenia and depression can worsen with LSD.[52 Psychosis There are some cases of LSD inducing a psychosis in people who appeared to be healthy before taking LSD.[56] In most cases, the psychosis-like reaction is of short duration, but in other cases it may be chronic. It is difficult to determine whether LSD itself induces these reactions or if it triggers latent conditions that would have manifested themselves otherwise. The similarities of time course and outcomes between putatively LSD-precipitated and other psychoses suggest that the two types of syndromes are not different and that LSD may have been a nonspecific trigger.[citation needed] Estimates of the prevalence of LSD-induced prolonged psychosis lasting over 48 hours have been made by surveying researchers and therapists who had administered LSD: Cohen (1960) estimated 0.8 per 1,000 volunteers (the single case among approximately 1250 study volunteers was the identical twin of a schizophrenic and he recovered within 5 days) and 1.8 per 1,000 psychiatric patients (7 cases among approximately 3850 patients, of which 2 cases were "preschizophrenic" or had previous hallucinatory experience, 1 case had unknown outcome, 1 case had incomplete recovery, and 5 cases recovered within up to 6 months).[57] Malleson (1971) reported no cases of psychosis among experimental subjects (170 volunteers who received a total of 450 LSD sessions) and estimated 9 per 1,000 among psychiatric patients (37 cases among 4300 patients, of which 8 details are unknown, 10 appeared chronic, and 19 recovered completely within up to 3 months).[27] However, in neither survey study was it possible to compare the rate of lasting psychosis in these volunteers and patients receiving LSD with the rate of psychosis found in other groups of research volunteers or in other methods of psychiatric treatment (for example, those receiving placebo). Cohen (1960) noted:[57] "The hallucinogenic experience is so striking that many subsequent disturbances may be attributed to it without further justification. The highly suggestible or hysterical individual would tend to focus on his LSD experience to explain subsequent illness. Patients have complained to Abramson that their LSD exposure produced migraine headaches and attacks of influenza up to a year later. One Chinese girl became paraplegic and ascribed that catastrophe to LSD. It so happened that these people were all in the control group and had received nothing but tap water."


Active Member
Uh Huhh..... When did you copy and paste that? 1970? When everyone an there mothers were dropping LSD an no one gave a fuck? BTW! My homie says as of right now there is no such thing as LSD now adays, the recipe is no longer around for it. The stuff you get nowadays is called LSD#3 and LSD#5 both are no where near the real stuff, and whoever makes it, and put the shit in it will always determan what effects it will have on YOUR BRAIN. Which is why I would never take it, can't trust no one..


Active Member
Ive takin plenty LSD as a teen in the 90's. how can you believe knowledge is lost in today's digital world. I havent seen it since the 90's but Im sure its around. Mainly the bikers are the only ones making the stuff now days. It is very dangerous drug to manufacture and ecstacy dmt and such are very easy, so there is not much around. All drugs become popular and fade and become popular again. It blows my mind that people now days would rather take ecstasy meth crank or boi over a safe psychedelic. Tihkal is the expert on street drug manufacturing and publishes his work. http://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/tihkal/tihkal26.shtml there ya go there's the "recipe" or formulas to synthesis......nice relaxing toilet reading :)


Well-Known Member
His name isnt Tihkal,thats the name of a book (T.rytamines I. H.ave K.nown A.nd L.oved) the author is alexander shulgin. He is a chemist who lives in california that used to have govt clearance to work with all the chemicals needed to concoct an endless combination of lab grade psychedelics. They raided his lab and cut off his access though once they found out what he was doing. Its not possible to just go and buy all the shit needed to make the recipes even if you knew how.


Ursus marijanus
Uh Huhh..... When did you copy and paste that? 1970? When everyone an there mothers were dropping LSD an no one gave a fuck? BTW! My homie says as of right now there is no such thing as LSD now adays, the recipe is no longer around for it. The stuff you get nowadays is called LSD#3 and LSD#5 both are no where near the real stuff, and whoever makes it, and put the shit in it will always determan what effects it will have on YOUR BRAIN. Which is why I would never take it, can't trust no one..
The recipe exists and is published. The starting materials aren't easy to obtain. cn