a few questions


Active Member
Hey guys I am new to this forum and I am new to growing marijuana I just have a few questions.

When will the white hairs start to show on a female marijuana plant?
Males pollinate females which just puts seeds in the bud right?
Do I need a male and a female for bud?
You should harvest at week 8 right?
Can I get hi in any way from a male marijuana plant

I have 2 plants ones on week 2 and ones on week 7. The one on week 7 has no white hairs so I am assuming it is male. I have been searching a lot on the internet about using a male marijuana plant for butter or how to use it in anyway to get hi and I am getting a lot of mixed answers.

Thanks for any help


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU

1. hairs show when you switch lights to 12/12
2. yes
3. no, females produce the buds
4. depends on your trichomes when to harvest
5. doubt it but never tried so...

read FAQs


Active Member
I grow outdoors so I can not change the lighting to 12/12 its about a 14/10 in NewEngland. Will white hairs not grow under that condition? will bud grow under that condition of light?


Well-Known Member
Generally the flowering outside won't change over until august/september. Problem is once they start to flower they need about 4 to 6 more weeks till fully mature and ready to harvest. Another factor is the temperature outside. September/october can have some really cold nights which might include a frost which is bad. That's about all I can help with. Happy growing.


Active Member
I thought it would only take 8 weeks? so will the plant flowere first then turn into bud? and so bassically its going to take 12 or 14 weeks for me?


Well-Known Member
once the sun has reached the appropriate amount of light/dark your plants will begin to flower or 'bud'. once this begins it should take 8 to 10 to 12 weeks until buds and trichomes are mature.


Well-Known Member
8 weeks is the general FLOWERING time. not the entire process... usually for outdoors october/november (well at least here in cali) is harvest time